SAS Visual Forecasting

標題 等級 培訓格式
FDP-Shaping a Data Science Curriculum
This FDP supports developing a data science program that covers a variety of topics and enables students to acquire the skills that industry is looking for their employees to have. The FDP helps universities develop a pool of talent with the range of analytical and technology skills to work in a data-rich business environment.

1 Beginner Live Web Classroom
Forecasting Using Model Studio in SAS Viya
本課程利用SAS Viya 的Model Studio 進行時間序列預測分析的實作學習。課程從資料的記憶體載入開始,依序介紹時間序列資料的視覺化、透過模型流程工具建置時間序列模型、挑選冠軍模型。接下來,課程將轉向介紹大規模時間序列模型建置方法,包含資料階層結構的設計、預測結果整合、覆寫,以及模型選擇方法的最佳實務做法。

1 Beginner Classroom Live Web Classroom