標題 等級 培訓格式
Stationarity Testing and Other Time Series Topics Business Knowledge Series
This course addresses a basic question in time series modeling and forecasting: whether a time series is nonstationary. This question is addressed by the unit root tests. One of the most common tests, the Dickey-Fuller test, is discussed in this lecture.

4 Advanced e-Learning
Establishing Causal Inferences: Propensity Score Matching, Heckman's Two-Stage Model, Interrupted Time Series, and Regression Discontinuity Models Business Knowledge Series
This course introduces some methods commonly used in program evaluation and real-world effectiveness studies, including two-stage modeling, interrupted time-series, regression discontinuity, and propensity score matching. These methods help address questions such as: Which medicine is more effective in the real world? Did an advertising program have an impact on sales? More generally, are the changes in outcomes causally related to the program being run?

3 Intermediate e-Learning