コース名 レベル 受講形態
SAS Enterprise Guideによる分散分析
本コースは、統計分析をSAS Enterprise Guideで行いたい方向けのコースです。分散分析に焦点が当てられています。

1 入門 Classroom Live Web Classroom
SAS Enterprise Guideによる回帰分析
本コースは、統計分析をSAS Enterprise Guideで行いたい方向けに作成されています。

1 入門 Classroom Live Web Classroom
SAS Enterprise Guide による統計解析
本コースは、統計分析をSAS Enterprise Guideで行いたい方向けのコースです。統計学の基礎に焦点が当てられています。

1 入門 Classroom Live Web Classroom
2 x 2表の解析(相対リスク、オッズ比など)や、r x c 表の解析(χ2乗検定)、また層別因子がある場合の解析(CMH検定、調整済オッズ比など)を、FREQプロシジャを用いて実行する方法について説明します。

3 中級 Classroom Live Web Classroom
SAS/GRAPH: Essentials
This course teaches you how to produce high-quality presentation graphics using SAS/GRAPH software.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual Lab time to practice.

3 中級 e-Learning
Statistical Process Control Using SAS/QC Software New
This course is designed for professionals who use quality control or SPC methods to monitor, evaluate, and improve the quality of their processes. It is an ideal statistical training module to complement or supplement corporate quality training programs and Six Sigma programs.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual Lab time to practice.

3 中級 e-Learning
Design of Experiments for Direct Marketing
This course deals with the concepts and techniques that are used in the design and analysis of experiments. The course primarily focuses on direct marketing applications, but it is also relevant for someone interested in designing experiments in the fields of physical, chemical, biological, medical, economic, social, psychological, and industrial sciences; engineering; or agriculture. This course teaches you how to design efficient marketing experiments with more than one factor, analyze the results that your experiments yield, and maximize the information that is gleaned from a marketing campaign. Factorial and fractional factorial designs are discussed in greater detail.

4 上級 e-Learning