SAS Grid Computing

Názov Úroveň Typ školenia
SAS Grid Computing for Programmers
This course provides an introduction to the SAS Grid environment and teaches how to submit SAS workload to the grid from a variety of different SAS products and user interfaces. The course includes hands-on exercises that run SAS applications with SAS Grid Manager and convert existing SAS programs to run on the grid.

3 Intermediate Classroom
SAS Grid Manager: Administration
In this course, you learn how to administer a SAS Grid Manager for Platform environment, including the users, applications, and resources in that environment. After you complete this course, you will understand SAS Grid Manager concepts and terminology and have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of the SAS Grid Manager for Platform architecture. The self-study e-learning includes:
  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual lab time to practice.

3 Intermediate Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
SAS Programming with SAS Grid Manager for Platform
This course provides an introduction to the SAS Grid Manager for Platform environment and teaches how to submit SAS workload to the grid from a variety of different SAS products and user interfaces. The course includes hands-on exercises that run SAS applications with SAS Grid Manager for Platform and convert existing SAS programs to run on the grid.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual lab time to practice.

3 Intermediate Classroom
Workload Orchestrator Administration for SAS Grid
In this course, you learn how to administer a SAS Grid Manager environment using the SAS Workload Orchestrator grid provider. After you complete this course, you will understand SAS Grid Manager concepts and terminology and have a grasp of the fundamentals of the SAS Grid Manager architecture. This will enable you to configure your grid to optimize the workloads of your users’ jobs, maximizing the throughput of the jobs, and consistently getting the results for decision making in a timely manner.

3 Intermediate Live Web Classroom e-Learning