SAS Enterprise Guide

Kurstitel Stufe Kursformat
Administering SAS® Office Analytics and SAS® Enterprise Guide®
This course teaches you how to administer servers, users, libraries, and SAS options using SAS Office Analytics, which includes SAS Enterprise Guide and the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual lab time to practice.

3 Für Fortgeschrittene Live Web Classroom e-Learning
Creating Reports and Graphs with SAS® Enterprise Guide®
This course is intended for experienced SAS Enterprise Guide users who want to create customized reports and graphs. You learn how to use point-and-click tasks and wizards in SAS Enterprise Guide to generate and customize bar charts, summary tabular reports, histograms, box plots, map charts, scatter plots, and line plots. You also learn how to modify the task-generated SAS code to enhance these reports and graphs.

1 Einsteiger Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
Grundbegriffe der Statistik: eine Einführung
Dieser Kurs erläutert statistische Begriffe, die für das Verständnis und die Benutzung statistischer Methoden von zentraler Bedeutung sind. In diesem Kurs wird erklärt, was Statistik ist und warum es wichtig ist, die unterschiedliche Merkmale der Daten zu verstehen.

Das Wissen, das in diesem Kurs vermittelt wird, ist eine Voraussetzung für viele andere Statistikkurse, die von SAS Education angeboten werden. Der Kurs beinhaltet Daten und praktische Übungen und ist für Base SAS und SAS Enterprise Guide-Benutzer geeignet.

1 Einsteiger Classroom
Introduction to Statistical Concepts Free e-learning
This course covers basic statistical concepts that are critical for understanding and using statistical methods. This course explains what statistics is and why it is important to understand the characteristics of your data.

The information in this course is a prerequisite for many other statistical courses that SAS Education offers. The course is appropriate for Base SAS and SAS Enterprise Guide users. Data, practices, and a case study are included.

1 Einsteiger e-Learning
Kompaktkurs: Base SAS® Programmierung für erfahrene Programmierer
Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen in verdichteter Form ein solides Grundwissen über die Base SAS Programmiersprache. Sie erwerben die Fähigkeit, grundlegende Aufgabenstellungen aus den Bereichen Datenzugriff, Datenmanagement und Datenpräsentation zu bearbeiten und entsprechende Programme mit dem SAS Enterprise Guide oder dem Display Manager System zu erstellen. Sie beherrschen die wichtigsten Techniken der Data Step-Programmierung, können Daten einlesen, aufbereiten und effizient in SAS Dateien organisieren.

Dieser Kurs kombiniert die Kursinhalte der beiden Kurse SAS Programmierung 1: Grundlagen und SAS Programmierung 2: Datenmanagement.

1 Einsteiger Classroom
Leveraging the Power of the Quality Knowledge Base (QKB) in SAS® Technology Components
This course assists SAS users with accessing the components of the Quality Knowledge Base (QKB) from within a variety of SAS technology components.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual Lab time to practice.

3 Für Fortgeschrittene Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
SAS® Enterprise Guide®: ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression
This course is designed for SAS Enterprise Guide users who want to perform statistical analyses. The course is written for SAS Enterprise Guide 8 along with SAS 9.4, but students with previous SAS Enterprise Guide versions will also get value from this course.

3 Für Fortgeschrittene Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
SAS® Enterprise Guide® 1: Abfragen und Berichte
This course is for users who do not have SAS programming experience but need to access, manage, and summarize data from different sources, and present results in reports and graphs. This course focuses on using the menu-driven tasks in SAS Enterprise Guide, the point-and-click interface to SAS, to create queries and reports. It does not address writing SAS code or statistical concepts. This course serves as a prerequisite for the SAS Enterprise Guide 2: Fortgeschrittene Funktionen und Abfragen course and for the Creating Reports and Graphs with SAS Enterprise Guide course. It also serves as a prerequisite for the SAS Enterprise Guide: ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression course, which teaches statistical concepts using SAS Enterprise Guide.

1 Einsteiger Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
SAS® Enterprise Guide® 2: Fortgeschrittene Funktionen und Abfragen New
This course is intended for experienced SAS Enterprise Guide users who want to learn more about advanced SAS Enterprise Guide techniques. It focuses on using the Query Builder within SAS Enterprise Guide, including manipulating character, numeric, and date values; converting variable type; and building conditional expressions using the Expression Builder. This course also addresses efficiency issues, such as joining tables and using a single query to group, summarize, and filter data.

1 Einsteiger Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
SAS® Enterprise Guide® 8: What's New
SAS Enterprise Guide 8 was released in June 2019. SAS Enterprise Guide 8 has been redesigned to include a modern and flexible user interface with tab-based organization of content and flexible window management. With this release of SAS Enterprise Guide, you can find new functionalities.

1 Einsteiger Classroom Live Web Classroom
SAS® Enterprise Guide® for Experienced SAS® Programmers
This course introduces experienced SAS programmers to SAS Enterprise Guide. SAS Enterprise Guide is an interface that enables users to write and submit code, as well as to use point-and-click tasks to generate queries, reports, and graphics.

The e-learning includes practice data and exercises.

3 Für Fortgeschrittene Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
SAS® Federation Server: Accessing and Virtualizing Enterprise Data
SAS Federation Server makes it easier for business users to access secure data for reporting and analysis. It provides a virtual layer or view, giving users the appropriate level of control without physically moving data. This frees up IT staff to focus on other tasks by giving them a simple method of sharing data using a centralized, governed security layer.

3 Für Fortgeschrittene Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
SAS® Programming 1 Case Study
This course is designed to apply knowledge gained from SAS Programming 1: Essentials to a comprehensive Case Study project. It is led by a live instructor and includes a review of SAS Programming 1 topics along with the Case Study project. In this course you will use your SAS skills to solve problems and get results as you are guided through the SAS programming process. This is a great course to take after completing SAS Programming 1 and before taking SAS Programming 2. In addition, this class will help you prepare for the Base SAS Certification Exam for SAS 9.4.

1 Einsteiger e-Learning
SAS Enterprise Guide: Fast Track
This course is for users who do not have SAS programming experience but need to access, manage, and summarize data from different sources, and present results in reports and graphs. This course focuses on using the menu-driven tasks in SAS Enterprise Guide, the point-and-click interface to SAS, to create queries and reports. It does not address writing SAS code or statistical concepts. This course is the SAS Enterprise Guide 1 course complemented with topics from the SAS Enterprise Guide 2 course, like grouping, filtering, using SAS Functions. It also serves as a prerequisite for the SAS Enterprise Guide: ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression course, which teaches statistical concepts using SAS Enterprise Guide.

1 Einsteiger Live Web Classroom
User-Friendly, Comprehensive SAS® Statistical Applications: Classification Models Business Knowledge Series
In this course, you use six user-friendly, precompiled SAS macro applications to perform comprehensive canonical, parametric and nonparametric discriminant, and decision tree analyses. As part of these analyses, you prepare and explore data, select variables, and create diagnostic plots related to model specification and model assumption validation. This user-friendly approach integrates statistical and graphical analysis tools that are available in SAS/STAT and provides complete statistical solutions without writing SAS code or using a point-and-click approach. Step-by-step instructions show you how to use these SAS/STAT applications and how to interpret the results. After class, you can download the compiled SAS macro catalog to perform comprehensive analysis on your own projects.

3 Für Fortgeschrittene Classroom
User-Friendly, Comprehensive SAS® Statistical Applications: Multivariate Models Business Knowledge Series
In this course, you learn how to perform data preparation, exploration, and comprehensive multivariate statistical models such as principal component, exploratory factor, and cluster analyses using five user-friendly, precompiled SAS macro applications. This user-friendly approach integrates statistical and graphical analysis tools that are available in SAS/STAT and provides complete statistical solutions without writing SAS code or using a point-and-click approach. Step-by-step instructions show how to use these applications and how to interpret the results. After class, you can download the compiled macro catalog to perform comprehensive analysis on your own projects.

3 Für Fortgeschrittene Classroom
User-Friendly, Comprehensive SAS® Statistical Applications: Regression Models Business Knowledge Series
In this course, you use six user-friendly, precompiled SAS macro applications to perform comprehensive multiple linear and binary logistic regression analyses. As part of these analyses, you prepare and explore data, select variables, and create diagnostic plots related to model specification and model assumption validation. This user-friendly approach integrates statistical and graphical analysis tools that are available in SAS/STAT and provides complete statistical solutions without writing SAS code or using a point-and-click approach. Step-by-step instructions show you how to use these user-friendly SAS/STAT applications and how to interpret the results. After class, you can download the compiled SAS macro catalog to perform comprehensive analysis on your own projects.

3 Für Fortgeschrittene Classroom