SAS Model Implementation Platform

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SAS® Model Implementation Platform: Solution Overview
This course prepares model implementation teams in financial institutions to conduct credit loss reserving and loan valuation to satisfy regulatory requirements, including IFRS9 and CECL.

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SAS® Expected Credit Loss Workshop: Implementing ECL Models
This course prepares credit analysts to use each of the components of SAS Expected Credit Loss and to test the results that each component produces. Participants prepare to engage in testing activities and sign off on milestones during the test and deploy phases of the implementation. They also prepare to complete the task steps in the CECL monthly production process to generate the required output. This workshop can be delivered separately or in conjunction with the related workshops: SAS Expected Credit Loss Workshop V06: Loading ECL Data and SAS Expected Credit Loss Workshop: Reviewing and Adjusting ECL Output. Contact a SAS Education Sales representative to determine which approach would be best for you.

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