SAS Visual Text Analytics

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FDP-Shaping a Data Science Curriculum
This FDP supports developing a data science program that covers a variety of topics and enables students to acquire the skills that industry is looking for their employees to have. The FDP helps universities develop a pool of talent with the range of analytical and technology skills to work in a data-rich business environment.

1 Beginner Live Web Classroom
SAS Visual Text Analytics in SAS Viya
SAS Visual Text Analytics enables you to uncover insights hidden within unstructured data using the combined power of natural language processing, machine learning, and linguistic rules. This course explores the five components of Visual Text Analytics: parsing, concept derivation, topic derivation, text categorization, and sentiment analysis. Documents are parsed and analyzed to reveal dominant themes in the document collection. Sophisticated linguistic queries are constructed to satisfy specific information needs. An integrated solution is developed using information extracted from subject matter expert rules, combined with machine learning results for model and rule-based topics and categories. The course includes hands-on use of SAS Viya in a distributed computing environment.

3 Intermediate Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning