SAS Model Manager

標題 等級 培訓格式
Managing Models and Building Decisions in SAS Viya New
本課程為SAS Viya 平台中對模型生命週期進行管理的課程,不論模型是使用Model Studio 的pipeline 建立,或是利用其他工具建立都適用。課程前半會介紹SAS Model Manager 的使用方式,課程後半則介紹在SAS Decision Manager 中如何透過規則或條件式建立商業決策流程。

3 Intermediate Classroom
Managing Models in SAS Viya
本課程介紹如何在模型的生命週期內管理模型,課程中使用的模型來自於 SAS 進階分析模組、Python 以及 R 語言。我們會從建立模型專案開始,依序添加多個模型,進行模型比較,冠軍模型測試,自動化模型排程,模型表現監控。

3 Intermediate Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
Managing SAS Analytical Models Using SAS Model Manager Version 14.2
This course focuses on the following key areas: managing SAS Model Manager data sources, creating a SAS Model Manager project, importing models into SAS Model Manager, using the SAS Model Manager Query Utility, creating scoring tasks, exporting models and projects into a SAS repository, and creating and configuring version life cycles. The course also covers generating SAS Model Manager model comparison reports, publishing and deploying SAS Model Manager models, creating SAS Model Manager production model monitoring reports, and creating user-defined reports.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual Lab time to practice.

3 Intermediate Live Web Classroom