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Using the SAS/C C++ Development System under TSO, CMS, OS/390 Batch, and UNIX System Services

Creating C++ Programs under TSO

Before running the translator, compiler, COOL, or any C++ program, ensure that the transient library is allocated to the CTRANS DDname or that it is installed in the system link list. Consult your SAS Installation Representative to determine if this has been done for you.

Translating and Compiling Your Program under TSO

The LCXX CLIST invokes the translator and compiler. Optionally, you can also invoke the OMD370 object module disassembler utility. The LCXX CLIST has the following format:

LCXX dsname<options>

where dsname is the name of the data set containing the C++ program to be translated and compiled. Follow standard TSO data set naming conventions. If the data set belongs to another user, specify the full data set name enclosed in apostrophes. If the program is a member of a partitioned data set (PDS), specify the member name in parentheses following the data set name. Here are two examples of invoking LCXX to translate and compile a program in a data set belonging to another user:


If the data set belongs to you and you do not enclose the data set name in apostrophes, LCXX assumes that the final qualifier of the data set name is CXX. If you do not specify CXX, the CLIST adds it for you. Here are two examples of invoking LCXX to translate and compile a program in a data set belonging to you:


In the second example, the CLIST assumes that the program is in userid.APPL.CXX(SUBRTN). If the data set belongs to you but is not named according to the CLIST assumptions, you must enclose the data set name in apostrophes, as if the data set belonged to someone else. dsname must be the first item on the command line. options are any translator, compiler, and, if the OMD option is used to invoke the OMD370 utility, OMD370 options. Separate the options with one or more blanks, commas, or tabs. See Option Summary for the options that are available for use with the translator. The LCXX CLIST executes the compiler if no errors occur during translation. LCXX allocates a temporary data set to contain the translator output.(footnote 1)

Saving the output data set under TSO

The LCXX CLIST supports three options that enable you to save intermediate code produced by the translator: pponly , tronly , and savec . These options require you to specify the name of an output data set, using standard TSO conventions. Unlike the input data set name, LCXX does not assume a final qualifier for the name of the output data set. Also, if the data set name is fully qualified, use three apostrophes on each end. Here is a brief description of each of the pponly , tronly , and savec options:
pponly performs only the preprocessing step. The program is not translated or compiled. The output data set contains C++ code.
tronly performs the preprocessing and translation steps. The program is not compiled. The output data set contains C code.
savec saves the C code resulting from translation. The program is preprocessed, translated, and compiled. The output data set contains C code.

For detailed information on these three options, see Option Descriptions.

Note:    Because both tronly and savec save the intermediate C code data set, you should use only one of them. For example, if you use tronly , you do not need to also specify savec .  [cautionend]
Here are some examples of specifying an output data set. In this first example, the pponly option causes only the preprocessing phase to be executed and the C++ code to be saved in userid.PROJ.PP(MAIN). The C++ code is not translated or compiled.


In this next example, the tronly option causes the translator to be invoked and the resulting C code to be saved in userid.PROJ.C(MAIN); however, the C code is not compiled.


In this final example, the savec option causes the translator and compiler to be invoked. The intermediate C code is saved in LEADER.PROJ.C(MAIN).


Locating header files under TSO

When a header filename is surrounded by angle brackets in a #include statement, the translator searches for the header file in standard C and C++ header files supplied by SAS Institute and in any library specified via the LCXX CLIST LIB option. The syntax for this form of the #include statement is

#include <member.ext>

The .ext part can be omitted. Here is an example of including a standard header file:

#include <new.h>

For this statement, the translator includes the file named NEW from the standard C++ header files.

When you use the LCXX CLIST, the data sets that contain the standard C++ and C library header files are automatically available. You can add your own data sets to this concatenation via the LCXX CLIST LIB option.

To include a header file from your personal files (as opposed to header files from system files), surround the filename with double quotes, as shown here:

#include "member.ext"

The translator assumes that the header file is member in a PDS allocated to the ext DDname. You must allocate this DDname to the member file data set before invoking the LCXX CLIST. The .ext part can be omitted, in which case it defaults to .h . Here is an example:

#include "project.h"

For this statement, the translator includes member PROJECT from the file associated with the DDname H. If the file is not found, the translator also searches the system header files.

Linking Your Program under TSO

All C++ programs must be preprocessed by the COOL object code preprocessor because COOL automatically creates object code used during the initialization and termination of static objects. In addition, COOL supports linking object files that contain mixed case external names longer than eight characters, such as those created by the compiler for source code generated by the translator. Such external names cannot be handled by the linkage editor unless the object code has been preprocessed by COOL.


The COOL CLIST invokes COOL to preprocess your object code and then calls the linkage editor to create a load module. The format of the COOL CLIST is

COOL dsname CXX <options>

where dsname is the name of the primary input data set and it is required. The data set must contain either object code or control statements or both. Follow standard TSO data set naming conventions when specifying this name. If the data set belongs to another user, specify the full data set name enclosed in apostrophes. If the program is a member of a PDS, specify the member name in parentheses following the data set name. The following two examples invoke COOL to link a program in a data set belonging to another user:


If the data set belongs to you and you do not enclose the data set name in apostrophes, COOL assumes that the final qualifier of the data set name is OBJ. If you do not specify OBJ, the CLIST adds it for you. The following two examples invoke COOL to link a program in a data set belonging to you:


In the second example, the CLIST assumes that the program is in userid.APPL.OBJ(SUBRTN). If the data set belongs to you but is not named according to the CLIST assumptions, you must enclose the data set name in apostrophes, as if the data set belonged to someone else. dsname must be the first item on the command line.

CXX is the only required option. This option makes the standard C++ object library SASC.LIBCXX.A, as well as the standard C object libraries, available to COOL. You can add your own data sets to this concatenation via the COOL LIB option. options are any COOL or linkage editor options. Separate the options with one or more blanks, commas, or tabs. Refer to COOL Options for more information.

COOL also accepts input from AR370 archives. For information on this type of file, refer to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide.

COOL input files can contain control statements instead of, or in addition to, object code. Refer to COOL Control Statements for more information.

More detailed information about the COOL utility and the COOL CLIST is available in the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide.

Running Your Program under TSO

C++ programs can be called under TSO via the TSO CALL command. Depending on how the SAS/C C++ Development System has been installed at your site, you may have a higher level of support available. The optional methods are

Here are some examples. Suppose that the load module for your program is member CXXPROG in the data set userid.APPL.LOAD. Suppose that you want to redirect stdin to the data set allocated to the DDname INPUT and pass the program option -z . Finally, suppose that you want to override the default initial stack allocation using the run-time option =48k . You can call the program using the CALL command as shown here:


The CALL command automatically translates program arguments to uppercase. If your program requires lowercase arguments, you can use the ASIS option of the CALL command to suppress uppercasing of arguments. Here is an example using the ASIS option:


Some older versions of TSO do not support the ASIS option.

If you want to run your program with the SAS/C Debugger, use the =D option when you call your program, as in the following example:


For more information on debugging C++ programs, refer to Debugging C++ Programs Using the SAS/C Debugger.

Note:    Programs called via the CALL command cannot access their name via the pointer in argv[0] .  [cautionend]
If the C command has been installed at your site, allocate your program library userid.APPL.LOAD to the DDname CPLIB and call the program using this command line:


Also, if your site supports calling C programs as standard TSO commands, you can call your program using this command line:


This method also requires that your program library userid.APPL.LOAD be allocated to the DDname CPLIB.

Support for program invocation other than via the TSO CALL command is optional. Consult your SAS Installation Representative to determine if this support is available at your site.

FOOTNOTE 1:   The name of this data set is in the form userid.SASCTEMP.$nnnnnn.C where nnnnnn is a sequence of decimal digits. This temporary data set is deleted after the compiler has completed. If by chance this file does not get deleted by default, you can delete it yourself. [arrow]

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