Chapter Contents


Introducing SAS/C Software, Release 6.50

SAS/C Technical Support

SAS Institute Inc. provides its SAS/C customers with free technical support, offered directly to your on-site SAS/C Software Consultant or Representative. Your on-site consultant should be an experienced user who can assist you with questions and problems concerning SAS/C software. If your question or problem requires the expertise of an Institute consultant, your on-site consultant should place the call to the SAS Institute SAS/C Technical Support Department. Consultants are available weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., eastern standard time. When you call, please identify your problem as a SAS/C software problem. Also, please refer to A Guide for the SAS/C Compiler Consultant, Release 6.50, which contains information that you will need when you talk to the technical support consultant.

The following table lists the various telephone numbers that you can call to obtain support for the SAS/C product.

Main Phone (919) 677-8000
FAX (919) 677-4444
Technical Support Phone (table note 1) (919) 677-8008
Automated Call Processing (ACP) (table note 2) (919) 677-8118
Customer Service (Contracts Department) (919) 677-8003


For SAS/C Software Consultants and Representatives only. [arrow]


ACP is a menu oriented system designed to be used with touch-tone phones only. [arrow]

SAS/C technical support can also be accessed on the World Wide Web at .

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Copyright © Tue Feb 3 15:52:45 EST 1998 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.