Chapter Contents


Introducing SAS/C Software, Release 6.50

Compiler and Library Changes

Compiler enhancements, fifty new functions, and ten new signals have expanded the capabilities of the SAS/C Compiler and Library.


The compiler and library enhancements include the following:

New OpenEdition Functions

The following OpenEdition SAS/C Library Functions have been added for Release 6.50:
chpriority - Change process priority
 endgrent - Close the group database
 endpwent - Close the user database
 extlink - Define an external link
 getgrent - Access group database sequentially
 getitimer - Obtain interval timer values
 getpgid - Get process group id for a process
 getpriority - Determine process priority
 getpwent - Access user database sequentially
 getrlimit - Obtain OpenEdition resource limits
 getrusage - Obtain OpenEdition usage statistics
 getsid - Get session leader id for a process
 getwd - Get working directory pathname
 lchown - Change file or link ownership
 mmap - Map an HFS file into memory
 mprotect - Change memory protection mapped to file
 msgctl - Control a message queue
 msgget - Create or find a message queue
 msgrcv - Receive a message from a message queue
 msgsnd - Send a message to a message queue
 msgxrcv - Receive message with sender information
 msync - Synchronize a memory mapped HFS file
 munmap - Cancel mapping of a memory area to a file
 oetaskctl - Control subtasks with OpenEdition
 readextlink - Read an external link
 realpath - Return absolute pathname
 semctl - Control a semaphore set
 semget - Create or find a set of semaphores
 semop - Update semaphores automatically
 setgrent - Reposition the group database
 setitimer - Define an interval timer
 setpriority - Change process priority
 setpwent - Reposition the user database
 setregid - Set real and/or effective group ID
 setreuid - Set real and/or effective user ID
 setrlimit - Define OpenEdition resource limits
 shmat - Attach a shared memory segment
 shmctl - Control a shared memory segment
 shmdt - Detach a shared memory segment
 shmget - Create or find a shared memory segment
 sigblkjmp - Intercept  longjmp without signal mask change
 spawn - Spawn a new process
 spawnp - Spawn a new process
 tcgetsid - Get session leader id for a process
 truncate - Truncate an HFS file.

Several OpenEdition functions that were provided with SAS/C Release 6.00, alarmd ,  blkjmp ,  siglongjmp ,  sleepd , and  tcsetpgrp , have been enhanced to provide additional capabilities for Release 6.50. 

New OpenEdition Signals

Support for a number of new signals that are defined by OpenEdition MVS in Release 5.2.2 and later has been added to SAS/C Release 6.50. (Many of these signals are defined for compatibility with UNIX operating systems but do not have a defined meaning under MVS. Consult UNIX documentation for further information on these signals.) The new signals and their meanings are as follows:
SIGBUS - UNIX compatibility
 SIGIOER - IBM C compatibility
 SIGPOLL - UNIX compatibility
 SIGPROF - Profiling timer expired
 SIGSYS - UNIX compatibility
 SIGURG - UNIX compatibility
 SIGVTALRM - Virtual timer expired
 SIGWINCH - UNIX compatibility
 SIGXCPU - CPU time limit exceeded
 SIGXFSZ - File size limit exceeded.

Additional Library Support

In addition to the enhancements to our OpenEdition support, the following functions have been added or enhanced:
DOM - New Delete Operator Message function.
 DOM_TOK - New Delete Operator Message with Tokens function.
 WTO - New Write to Operator function.
 WTOR - New Write to Operator with Reply function.
 addsrch - Enhanced to provide new MVS search capability.

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Copyright © Tue Feb 3 15:52:45 EST 1998 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.