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Introducing SAS/C Software, Release 6.50

SAS/C Debugger

The SAS/C Debugger, which is included with the base SAS/C product, offers a flexible, easy-to-use full screen user interface that supports multiple overlapping color windows on an IBM 3270, or similar, terminal display system.

The following are a few of the many features offered by the extensive command set of the SAS/C Debugger:

The debugger also supports remote debugging, which enables the debugger and the program that is being debugged to execute in different address spaces or environments. Remote debugging can be used to debug programs running under CICS or the OpenEdition shell.

If you are developing applications in a cross-compilation environment, you can use a distributed file system to access include, source, and debugger files that may reside on a workstation or PC. This feature saves you the trouble of having to maintain duplicate source files on your cross-development platform and on the mainframe.

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