stcpma -- Anchored Pattern Match


 #include <lcstring.h>

 int stcpma(char *str, const char *pat);


stcpma tests the input string addressed by str to determine whether it starts with a substring matching the pattern that pat points to. The search terminates if a match is not found at the beginning of the input string.

The pattern format can be specified using the symbols +, *, and ?, as described in the previous discussion of the stcpm function.

Although the stcpm and stcpma functions use the same pattern-matching notation, stcpma is different from stcpm in two ways:


If it is successful, stcpma returns the length of the character sequence that matches the search pattern, or it returns 0 if no match is found.

In comparison to stcpm, both stcpm and stcpma can find the search pattern William A*.* *Tell in the following input string:

 "William A. Tell, Margaret Fairfax-Tell"
However, stcpma cannot find the search pattern in this string:
 "Margaret Fairfax-Tell, William A. Tell"
And stcpma cannot find it in this string, which contains an initial blank:
 " William A. Tell"


  #include <lcstring.h>
  #include <stdio.h>

     static char *sps[ ]  = {
        "William Tellas  Sr.",           /* no middle initial  */
        "William A Tella      ",         /* middle initial     */
        "William AAA. Tell!! ---",       /* initial and period */
        "William S. Teller; Then..",     /* wrong initial      */
     int length, i;

        /* Find William Tell, whether or not he used his       */
        /*  middle initial.                                    */
     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (length = stcpma(sps[i], "William A*.* *Tell"))
           printf("%d. Match result = %.*sn", i,length, sps[i]);
           printf("%d. No match for string = %sn",i,sps[i]);





String Utility Functions

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