#include <lcstring.h> void *memlwr(void *memblk, size_t n);
scans the first n
bytes of the input memory block
addressed by memblk
, converting uppercase characters ('A' through 'Z') to
lowercase characters ('a' through 'z').
is not affected by a program's locale.
returns a pointer to the memory block.
is size_t
. If a negative number
is passed, massive overlaying of memory occurs.
#include <stdio.h> #include <lcstring.h> static struct PART { size_t length; char *word; } sentence[] = { { 4, "THIS " }, { 8, "EXAMPLE " }, { 6, "SHOWS " }, { 8, "THE USE " }, { 7, "OF THE " }, { 7, "memlwr " }, { 11, "FUNCTION.n" } }; #define NUM_PARTS (sizeof(sentence)/sizeof(struct PART)) main() { int x; for (x = 0; x < NUM_PARTS; x++) { memlwr(sentence[x].word, sentence[x].length); fputs(sentence[x].word, stdout); } exit(0); }
, memxlt
, strlwr
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