SAS/C Library Reference, Third Edition, Volume 1,& Release 6.00 , provides complete reference documentation for
the functions that comprise the
SAS/C Library.
It is primarily intended for experienced C
programmers. It makes no
attempt to discuss either programming fundamentals or how
to program in C.
Many of the examples used in this book are available through
SAS Online Samples.
This book uses the following syntax conventions:
This book uses the following icons to indicate the portability
of functions:
ISO/ANSI C Conforming
These functions conform to the ISO and ANSI C Language standards.
POSIX.1 Conforming
These functions conform the POSIX.1 standard.
UNIX Compatible
These functions are commonly found in traditional UNIX C libraries.
SAS/C Extensions
These functions are not portable.
For a complete list of SAS publications, you should refer to the current
Publications Catalog. The catalog is produced twice a year. You
can order a free copy of the catalog by writing, calling, or faxing the
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This book is also available in html format for on-line viewing. See your
SAS/C Software Consultant for information on accessing this book online.
In addition to
SAS/C Library Reference, Third Edition, Volume 2, Release 6.00
, you will find these other
documents helpful when using SAS/C software:
SAS/C++ Development System User's Guide, First Edition (order #A56122) documents the SAS/C C++ Translator.
SAS/C CICS User's Guide, Second Edition, Release& 6.00 (order #A56121)
documents the SAS/C CICS Command Language Translator and the CICS
version of the SAS/C Library.
SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, Fourth& Edition, Release 6.00
(order #A56123) provides a functional description of the SAS/C
Compiler and is a reference for linking and executing C programs
under TSO, CMS, and MVS.
SAS/C Compiler Interlanguage Communication Feature& User's Guide
(order #A5684) documents the Interlanguage Communication Feature of
the SAS/C Compiler.
SAS/C Cross-Platform Compiler and C+ Development System: Usage and Reference, First Edition, Release 6.00
(order #A55388)
documents the cross-platform compiler and the C+ development system.
SAS/C Debugger User's Guide and Reference, Third& Edition (order #A56120) provides complete documentation for the
SAS/C Debugger.
SAS/C Library Reference, Third Edition, Volume 1,& Release 6.00
(order #A56117) describes the commonly used SAS/C Library functions.
(order #A56118) describes the special purpose SAS/C Library
SAS/C Full-Screen Support Library User's Guide,& Second Edition (order #A56124)
documents the Full-Screen Support Library.
SAS/C Software Diagnostic Messages, First Edition,& Release 6.00 (order #A55184) documents the
SAS/C Software diagnostic messages.
SAS/C Compiler and Library Quick Reference Guide,& First Edition, Release 6.00 (order #A55182) provides quick reference information for
the SAS/C Compiler, Library, and Debugger.
SAS/C Software: Changes and Enhancements to the SAS/C& Debugger and C++ Development System, Release 6.00 (order #A55183) describes the Release 6.00 changes and
enhancements that affect the SAS/C C++ Development System and
the SAS/C Debugger.
SAS Technical Report C-114, A Guide for the SAS/C& Compiler Consultant (order #A59019)
informs the SAS/C Software Consultant about the services provided
by SAS Institute for SAS/C Compiler sites.
SAS Technical Report C-115, The Generalized Operating& System Interface for the SAS/C Compiler Run-Time System, Release 5.50
(order #A59025)
describes the Generalized Operating System Interface, which lets
users write routines that
enable the compiler's run-time library
to access operating system services.
The following supplementary
reference documentation is also recommended:
Comer, Douglas E. (1991),Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1:
Principles, Protocols, and Architecture, Second Edition , Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Comer, Douglas E., and Stevens, David L. (1993), Internetworking
with TCP/IP, Volume 3: Client-Server Programming and Applications,
BSD Socket Version ,Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Stevens, W. Richard (1990), UNIX Network Programming ,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Zlotnick, Fred (1991), The POSIX.1 Standard: A Programmer's Guide ,
Redwood City, CA: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.

Copyright (c) 1998 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.