#include <lcio.h> const struct fattrib *fattr(FILE *f);
function returns a pointer to a structure containing
information about the attributes of the stream associated with the
object addressed by the f
argument. The return
value is a pointer to a fattrib
structure as defined in
. Note that the returned pointer is a const
pointer, so you can inspect the structure fields but not modify them.
The fattrib
structure is defined as
struct fattrib { unsigned long props; /* file properties */ unsigned short abilities; /* how file can be used */ unsigned short reclen; /* maximum record length */ /* (0 if no limit) */ unsigned short blksize; /* block size or VSAM */ /* control interval size */ /* (0 if not meaningful) */ unsigned short keylen; /* key length or 0 */ unsigned short keyoff; /* record offset of key or 0 */ char am[5]; /* name of access method */ char _1[1]; /* reserved */ long _2[10]; /* reserved */ } ;
The props
field of the fattrib
structure is a bit string
composed of bits specifying whether the file has a number of specific
properties. The abilities
field is a bit string specifying
whether the file supports specific file operations. Note that not all
bits of these fields are defined and that undefined bits do not have
to be set to 0.
The bit definitions for the props
field are
specified or defaulted.
is in effect
for the file.
or exec
unless fcntl
has prevented access.
specified or defaulted.
The bit definitions for the abilities
field are
to define an I/O buffer. setbuf
and setvbuf
can only be the first file operation. _Fcan_setbuf
remains in
effect while a file is open.
or kgetpos
The reclen
field of the fattrib
structure includes space
for the key in a keyed file. Thus, for an ESDS or RRDS opened for
keyed access, the returned reclen
value is 4 bytes greater than
the maximum physical record size. In all cases in which a non-zero
value is returned for reclen=
, the value returned is the same
as would be specified by the reclen=
amparm; that is, the value
is the same as the amount of storage required to read the largest possible
record in the file.
function returns a pointer to an attrib
structure for the file. If the argument to fattr
addresses a
closed file object, a pointer to a dummy fattrib
structure is
returned with the abilities
field equal to 0. If the argument
to fattr
is an invalid FILE
pointer, the results are
#include <lcio.h> #include <stdio.h> main() { FILE *outfile; outfile = afopen("tso:userid.test", "w", "", "recfm=v, reclen=132"); if (fattr(outfile)->props & _Fprintform) putc('f', outfile); fclose(outfile); }
, fstat
, osddinfo
, osdsinfo
Copyright (c) 1998 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.