LSCL COOL Messages

This chapter documents messages generated by the COOL utility (either mainframe or cross-platform). Each message contains the message text and an explanation of the message, as well as operating-system information and the action needed to correct the error, if applicable. All messages can occur in any operating environment unless otherwise indicated.

COOL diagnostic messages have the form

   LSCL[num] [severity]: [message text]
On UNIX, they have the form
         cool: [severity] [num]: [message text]
is the message number
message text
is a description of an action (NOTE), possible problem (WARNING), or condition that will prevent further processing (ERROR).
Messages are written to stdout if the term(-t) option is in effect; they are written to the listing if a listing is created. If a WARNING message is generated, the final return code from COOL will be no less than 4. If an ERROR message is generated, COOL will terminate immediately with a return code of 8.

Messages 1972 {endash} 1979 describe errors generated by the COOL driver program, COOLB. These messages are always written to stderr even if NOTERM is specified. They are not written to the listing.

Note: The COOL message prefix LSCL has been omitted from the descriptions below.

LSCL Messages


ERROR: There is not enough storage to continue.


COOL attempted to allocate more storage but the allocation failed.


If you are running COOL in MVS batch, increase the size of the region using the REGION= parameter on the JOB or EXEC statement in your JCL. If you are running COOL in TSO, increase your TSO region size. If you are running in CMS, increase the size of your virtual machine.

Normally, COOL keeps all its data in storage until it has processed all the input files. If you are processing very large groups of object files in a 370-mode virtual machine, COOL may need more storage than is available. Note, this will increase the length of time require to process the object files. If you are running COOL in MVS batch, you will probably need to increase the amount of time allocated to the job.


WARNING: The option "[option]" is undefined.


The option specified by [option] is not defined by COOL.


The option may be misspelled. Refer to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, Fourth Edition for a list of COOL options. Re-run COOL with the corrected option.


ERROR: Can't [open | close | write to] the [input | included | output | listing] file "[name]." [The reason given was "reason"]


An error occurred while processing the input, output, or listing file identified by [name]. In MVS, TSO, and CMS, this message will be accompanied by a run-time library diagnostic message containing more detail about the condition. In UNIX, [reason] is the strerror information associated with the error.


Correct the condition and re-run COOL.


ERROR: The output file name is required but was not specified.


UNIX only: Use the -o option to specify the name of the output file.


ERROR: There were no input files specified.


No input object files were specified on the command line.


Re-run COOL, including at least one object file name on the command line.


ERROR: Record [num] in the input object file "[name]" has an unsupported format. A data display follows:


COOL encountered a record that is not a valid object record. [name] is the file in which the record occurs, and [num] is the record number. This occurs when a file that is not an object file is specified as input or, rarely, when an object file contains non-standard records.


Make sure that all the input files are object files. If the file is an object file but contains non-standard records, refer to the documentation for the program that produced the file for information about how to use the file. If the file is an object file produced by the compiler or C++ translator, report this message to SAS/C Technical Support.

Since object records are in binary format, COOL displays the contents of the record in a formatted text display that looks like this: .TXT ... .. ...00.. MAIN(FFIND) .......................,.....0...J........ 0EEE4000440344004FF214444DCCD4CCCDC5440300010000000000009ED0155EC04FE 23730000000800017008100004195D66954D000200180000000000000A0C8F8004700


ERROR: No control section is defined for ESD item [item] in record [num] in input object file "[name]." A data display follows:


COOL encountered a malformed object record in the file identified as [name] at record number [num]. The object file may have been corrupted by an editor or have been partially overwritten by another program.


Re-compile the source file and re-run COOL. If the problem persists, contact SAS/C Technical Support. Refer to message 1005 for a description of the data display.


ERROR: Text record [num] in the input object file "[name]" refers to a non-existent ESDID item. A data display follows:


Refer to the explanation in message 1006.


ERROR: The RLD item at data offset [num] in record [num] in the input object file "[name]" refers to a non-existent [position | relocation] ESDID item.


Refer to the explanation in message 1006.


ERROR: The section name "[sname]" occurs in both the "[name1]" and "[name2]" input object files.


Both of the named object files were assigned the section name [sname] by the compiler. Since the compiler uses the section name to create some external symbols, this can cause problems when linking. This problem can occur when the name of the first external function becomes the default section name, and both have the same initial seven characters.


Re-compile the source files using the compiler's sname option to assign a unique section name to each file and re-run COOL. In the extremely rare case where more than one object file must have the same section name, use the DUPSNAME option to suppress this message.


NOTE: Pre-linking completed with return code = [num]


COOL completed processing the input files. The final return code was [num].


ERROR: An invalid [INCLUDE | INSERT | ARLIBRARY | control | continuation of control] statement was detected. A data display follows:


A control statement of the specified type was found in an input file.


Refer to the explanation of message 1005 for a description of the data display. Correct the statement and re-run COOL.


ERROR: Unexpected end-of-file, or the file "[name]" is not a valid ar370 archive.


This message is issued when COOL tries to read information from the named ar370 archive, but the archive is too small. This is usually caused by a corrupted archive.


Re-build the archive and re-run COOL.


ERROR: There is a duplicated definition of "[symbol]" in input object files "[name1]" and "[name2]."


Both of the named input object files contain a definition of the external symbol [symbol]. This is usually caused by defining an external symbol in more than one compilation in a program that is not re-entrant. Only one compilation in a program should define an external symbol.


Correct the problem and re-run COOL.


WARNING: The input object file "[name]" contains duplicate initialization data for symbol "[symbol]"


The named input object file contains initialization data for the external symbol [symbol], but COOL has already processed initialization data for this symbol in a previous input file. This is usually caused by defining an external symbol in more than one compilation in a re-entrant program. COOL discards the second (and subsequent) initial values, but assigns the strongest alignment and longest length of all the initial values. Only one compilation in a program should define an external symbol.


Correct the problem and re-run COOL.


NOTE: The reference to "[symbol]" was resolved from "[name]"


During autocall processing, COOL found the definition of the named symbol when it included file [name]. This message is for information only, and is emitted only when the VERBOSE option is used.


WARNING: The file "[name]" was included but did not define "[symbol]"


During autocall processing, COOL tried to resolve external symbols by reading a file whose name was the same as the symbol name. COOL attempted to resolve the external reference symbol by including file [name]. However, file [name] did not contain a definition for symbol. If [name] is supposed to contain the definition for [symbol], check the source file to determine why [symbol] is not defined.


WARNING: The reference to "[symbol]" in "[name]" is unresolved.


COOL completed autocall processing but did not find a definition for the external reference symbol found in file [name]. This does not necessarily indicate a problem if the definition will be supplied during subsequent linking, or if the reference is never used when the program executes. Otherwise, the reference may be misspelled, or the object file that contains the definition was omitted from the COOL input files.

When running under UNIX, this message is a NOTE if the LET or -m option is specified.


WARNING: In the "[csect]" CSECT in input object file "[name]" the "[symbol]" pseudoregister displacement at offset [num] has been truncated.


The PREM option is in effect. As COOL removed pseudoregisters from the output object file, it determined that object file [name] defined a Q-type address constant for [symbol] having a length too small to contain the pseudoregister offset. For example, the offset is greater than 255, but the address constant is defined as QL1. This can only occur in object files created from assembler language source files. [num] is the offset from the start of the CSECT at which the address constant occurs.


Increase the size of the address constant, re-assemble the source file, and re-run COOL.


ERROR: "[name]" is not the name of a CMS file.


CMS only: The string [name] was used as the name of an input file, output file, or listing file, but the string cannot be used to form the name of a CMS minidisk or Shared File System file.


Consult SAS/C Library Reference, Volume I, for an explanation of how these fileids are formed.


NOTE: No pseudoregisters were found in the input files.


The PREM option was specified but no pseudoregisters were found in the input files. This message is for information only.


WARNING: The ar370 archive "[name]" contains data inconsistent with the actual file. This file will be ignored.


This message is issued when COOL detects a pointer in the header of the named ar370 archive that is outside the bounds of the archive itself. This is caused by a corrupted archive.


Re-build the archive and re-run COOL.


WARNING: Only ar370 archives preceding this one will be used.


MVS/TSO only: This message is only issued in conjunction with messages 1012 and 1021 when the CONTINUE option is used. The corrupted ar370 archive is a member of a concatenation, following at least one uncorrupted archive. COOL will continue processing using the uncorrupted archives in the concatenation, but will ignore the data in the corrupted archive and any archives that may follow it in the concatenation.


ERROR: Some text data is missing in the extended names CSECT "[csect]" in file "[name]."


COOL encountered a malformed object record in the extended names CSECT [csect] in the file identified as [name]. The object file may have been corrupted by an editor or have been partially overwritten by another program.


Re-compile the source file and re-run COOL. If the problem persists, contact SAS/C Technical Support.


NOTE: The "[type]" control statement was not processed, and was copied to the output file.


COOL encountered a linkage editor control statement (such as IDENTIFY or CHANGE) in one of the input files. COOL simply copies the statement to the output file. This message is for information only.


NOTE: [Beginning | End of] "[name]" processing.


This message is only issued when the VERBOSE option is specified and COOL has started or finished processing an input file.


WARNING: The specified DDname prefix contains invalid characters: "[prefix]"


MVS/TSO only: The DDname prefix [prefix] specified by the FILES option is not a valid DDname prefix. The prefix must be 1 to 3 characters, and the first character must be alphanumeric or $, @, or #. The remaining characters must be alphanumeric.


WARNING: The value specified for the "[-p | -zf]" option is not in the range of acceptable values.


Either the pagesize (-p) or maxfiles (-zf) option specified a value that was out of range for that option. The value of the pagesize option must be an integer greater than or equal to 5 or -1 to suppress pagination. The maxfiles option must be a positive integer.


WARNING: The file "[name]" could not be opened for autocall.


During autocall processing, COOL tried to open the file [name] to resolve an external symbol but could not. If another input file defined the symbol that COOL was trying to resolve, this is not a problem. However, if this file is required to resolve the symbol, ensure that the file contains the symbol definition and is available to COOL as either primary or secondary input.


ERROR: A BSAM error occurred while processing the file "[name]." The following message(s) were passed to the error analysis routine: [message1] [message2]


MVS only: COOL handled a BSAM error while opening or reading the named input file. BSAM called the error analysis routine with the information displayed as [message1]. If the input file is a member in a PDSE, additional information about the error is displayed as [message2]. This message may indicate a hardware failure, or it may indicate that the named file is not concatenated correctly.


If the named file is a concatenation, verify that the concatenated files all have the same DCB characteristics. If the problem is not an invalid concatenation, report the problem to your site's System Programming staff for assistance.


ERROR: An unexpected end-of-file was encountered after record [num] in the input object file "[name]"


COOL processed a control statement that had a non-blank character in column 72, indicating that the control statement was continued in the next record. However, the input file ended after the current record.


There may be a spurious non-blank character in column 72 of the control statement. Remove it and re-run COOL.


ERROR: The continuation of the "[keyword]" control statement at record [num] in the input object file "[name]" is not a valid control statement. A data display follows:


COOL processed a control statement that had a non-blank character in column 72, indicating that the control statement was continued in the next record. However, the next record in the input file was not a control statement.


There may be a spurious non-blank character in column 72 of the control statement. Remove it and re-run COOL. Refer the explanation of message 1005 for a description of the data display.


ERROR: The "[keyword]" control statement at record [num] in the input object file "[name]" is not in the correct format.


The specified control statement has a syntax error.


Correct the error and re-run COOL.


ERROR: In the continuation of the "[keyword]" control statement at record [num] in the input object file "[name]", columns 1 through 15 must be blank.


The second and subsequent record parts of a continued control statement must begin in column 16 or after of the continuation record.


Correct the error and re-run COOL.


WARNING: An INCLUDE statement was found at record [num] in the included object file "[name]." Data following this record are not processed.


COOL has encountered an INCLUDE statement in the included file name. This message is a reminder that no data following the INCLUDE statement will be processed.

By default, COOL handles INCLUDE statements in included files the same way the IBM linkage editor handles them. That is, when an included file contains an INCLUDE statement, the specified module(s) are also included, but any data following the INCLUDE statement is ignored.


This behavior can be overridden by specifying the noinceof option (in MVS/TSO or CMS) or the -zi option in UNIX.


ERROR: The input object file "[name]" can't be reopened. The maxfiles limit has been reached and no files can be quiesced.


The specified file was temporarily closed (quiesced) but cannot be reopened. COOL uses the value of the maxfiles option to determine how many input files to have open simultaneously. This number has been reached, so COOL temporarily closed one of its input files. However, this file cannot be reopened.


Re-run COOL, specifying a larger value for maxfiles. If the problem persists, contact SAS/C Technical Support.


ERROR: An unknown error occurred while reopening "[name]."


The specified file was temporarily closed (quiesced) but an error occurred when COOL tried to reopen it. The file may have been erased by another program.


Look for operating system messages or run-time library diagnostics that may help explain the problem. If the problem persists, contact SAS/C Technical Support.


WARNING: The "[prefix1]" GATHER prefix is longer than 6 characters. It will be truncated to "[prefix2]"


GATHER prefixes may be no longer than 6 characters. COOL will truncate [prefix1] to the value shown as [prefix2].


WARNING: A symbol matching the GATHER table name "[symbol]" is defined in input file "[name]"


An external symbol having the same name as a GATHER table is defined in the input file name. This is likely to cause the program to fail when it is executed.


Change the symbol name so that the GATHER table name is unique to the input files.


WARNING: The duplicated "[prefix]" GATHER prefix will be ignored.


The prefix was specified more than once in the input files. The second and subsequent specifications are ignored.


WARNING: The inserted symbol "[symbol1]" is longer than 8 characters and will be truncated to "[symbol2]"


Symbols in INSERT control statements must be no more than eight characters long. The symbol [symbol1] will be truncated on the right to the symbol shown as [symbol2].


If this is not correct, change the INSERT control statement and re-run COOL.


WARNING: SMP identifiers distribution library and element id are not matched.


SAS/C SMP Supporting Libraries are incorrect.


Contact SAS/C Technical Support.


ERROR: Problem with extended names user exit: [text]


The value for [text] provides the explanation, from the following list:


Contact SAS/C Technical Support.


Error: Trouble reading shelled object [part] : [file].


[file] specifies the file in error; [part] represents one of the following:
shelled object header not read.
header size
shelled object header size not read.
shelled object symbol information not read.
shelled object template reference introduction not read.
shelled object string table not read.
Difficulties (such as an invalid object deck) were encountered while reading a shelled object.


Contact SAS/C Technical Support.


Trouble [action] output debugger file ([file]), ignored.


[file] specifies the file in error; [action] represents one of the following:
The output debugger file could not be opened for output.
writing header to
The output debugger file could not be written to.
The output debugger file could not be written to because of a possible dataset size problem.
An error was encountered while writing a debug file. COOL performs this activity only for objects which include debugging information. File creation problems typically produce this error.


Increase the space that is available in the output destination, or change that destination with the COOL DBGLIB option.


Trouble [action] temporary debugging file, ignored.


[action] indicates one of the following:
Problem was encountered opening the temporary file.
Problem was encountered writing the temporary file.
A temporary file is allocated to hold intermediate versions of all debugger files that were included in the objects. This file can be very large.


On MVS, a dataset definition can be made to increase the storage available for this file. On CMS, this file is allocated on the minidisk with the most writable space.


sev {mono : Input file "filename {mono" previously prelinked.}


During the processing of input object file filename, COOL detected that it had previously processed this object file, and had marked it as not to be reprocessed.

If the IGNORERECOOL option was specified, the mark to reprocess the object file does not cause an error and processing continues. If both the IGNORERECOOL and VERBOSE options were specified, the message is displayed with the severity sev level of NOTE and processing continues.

If the NOIGNORERECOOL option was specified or if it was the default, the message is displayed with a severity sev level of ERROR, and processing stops with a return code of 8.

This message is also issued if COOL cannot locate the extended name in an input object deck. The reason that COOL cannot locate the extended name is that the input object deck has already been prelinked.

COOLB Diagnostic Messages (MVS/TSO Only)

The following messages are produced by the COOL driver program, COOLB. They are always written to stderr even if NOTERM is specified; they are not written to the listing.


WARNING: Option "[option]" begins with a parenthesis.


No COOL option can begin with a parenthesis. This error is probably caused by inserting a blank between an option and its parenthesized argument list.


Remove the intervening blank(s) and re-run COOL.


WARNING: For option [option], [text1] was expected but [text2] was found.


COOLB detected a syntax error in the specification of [option].


Refer to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, Fourth Edition for the syntax of COOL options. Correct the error and re-run COOL.


WARNING: Option [option] does not take arguments.


[option] was followed by a parenthesized argument list, but this option does not accept any arguments.


Remove the argument list and re-run COOL. Refer to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, Fourth Edition for a list of COOL options.


WARNING: Option [option] expects arguments.


[option] requires a parenthesized argument list. For example, the pagesize option must be specified as pagesize(nn), where nn is the number of lines to be printed on a listing page.


Add the necessary argument and re-run COOL. Refer to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, Fourth Edition for a list of COOL options.


WARNING: Option [option] cannot be negated.


Option is prefixed with "no," but option cannot be negated. For example, it is not possible to specify nopagesize as an option.


Remove the NO prefix and re-run COOL. Refer to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, Fourth Edition for a list of COOL options.


WARNING: Option [option] is not recognized.


[ption] is not a COOL option.


Remove the word from the parameter list and re-run COOL. Refer to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, Fourth Edition for a list of COOL options.


WARNING: Option abbreviation is ambiguous ([option1] vs [option2]).


COOL options may be abbreviated to the fewest unambiguous characters, but abbreviation is too short to clearly indicate which COOL option is intended. The abbreviation could mean either [option1] or [option2].


Extend the abbreviation enough to indicate which option is intended and re-run COOL.


WARNING: Linking was suppressed. [1 error was | [num] errors were] encountered.


This message is issued when at least one error is diagnosed in the options list. COOLB does not invoke COOL or the system linker.


Refer to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, Fourth Edition for a list of COOL options. Correct the error and re-run COOL.

Copyright (c) 1998 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.