This chapter describes ILCLINK diagnostic messages, their
severity levels, causes, and resolutions.
ILCLINK diagnostic messages have the form
LSCI[num] [severity]: [message text]
A NOTE usually displays information about the expected behavior of the
linker. WARNING
messages indicate an error has occurred that will not affect ILCLINK's
processing but should be examined by the user. An ERROR
or SEVERE message is produced if ILCLINK encounters a condition that
will not allow processing to continue. An ERROR indicates a problem
that is within the user's control, such as an invalid control statement.
A SEVERE message indicates a problem with the environment, such as
an out-of-memory condition. Finally, an INTERNAL message (of
which 038 is the only example), indicates that ILCLINK has failed to
process a correct input file. ILCLINK issues a user ABEND in this
situation. ILCLINK will continue processing if no diagnostics are
produced with a severity level greater than WARNING.
Unless otherwise indicated, these messages can occur in any operating
The ILCLINK message prefix LSCI has been omitted from the descriptions
SEVERE: Not enough memory to continue.
An attempt to allocate memory failed.
Under CMS, increase the size of the virtual machine.
Under TSO and MVS-batch, increase the region size.
SEVERE: Internal error in [function]. Code [num] .
An internal error was detected in the
specified function.
Report the function name and code to the
Technical Support Department at SAS Institute.
WARNING: Input file name truncated to 8 characters.
CMS only: The filename given as the name of the
input file contains more than 8 characters. The name will
be truncated to 8 characters.
CMS filenames cannot have more than 8 characters.
ERROR: Missing input file name.
CMS only: No input filename was specified on
the command line.
Re-invoke ILCLINK with the name of the
input file as the first parameter.
WARNING: Unknown option [option] ignored.
The specified option is not an
option. The option may have been misspelled.
Re-invoke ILCLINK with the correct option name.
ERROR: Missing right parenthesis.
TSO, MVS-batch only: An option requiring a parenthesized
value does not have the terminating right parenthesis.
Re-invoke ILCLINK with the correct form of the option.
ERROR, WARNING: Unable to open [file].
ILCLINK could not open the specified
file. The error level is Warning if the file is
an output file, and Error if the file is the input file.
Refer to library messages on stderr
for more information about the error.
ERROR: Invalid parameter [parameter] .
CMS only: More than one non-option parameter
was used.
Re-invoke ILCLINK using the filename of
the input file as the only non-option parameter.
SEVERE: Unable to determine operating system.
ILCLINK cannot determine the operating system.
Contact the Technical Support Department at SAS Institute.
ERROR: Expecting [statement-types] statement.
The input file contains control statements
that are not in the expected order. The message specifies
the types of statements that can occur in the current
Correct the statements in the input file.
ERROR: Incorrect or missing data in statement.
The statement contains values that
are misspelled, in the wrong order, or otherwise incorrect,
or the statement does not contain an expected value or
ERROR: Only one entry point language may be specified.
More than one language name was found in the FIRST statement.
Correct the FIRST statement so that only
one language name is used.
ERROR: Reading input file.
An error occurred while reading the input file.
Refer to library messages on stderr
for more information about the error.
ERROR: Statement longer than [num] characters.
A statement in the input file is
longer than the maximum allowed. This can occur if the
input file has a logical record length greater than 255.
Reformat the input file to use only
statements less than or equal to 255 characters.
ERROR: No PROCESS statements in input file.
No PROCESS statement was found in the
input file. A PROCESS statement must be used to produce
useful results.
Add PROCESS statements as required to link the program.
ERROR: Only one FIRST statement may be used.
More than one FIRST statement was
found in the input file. There may be only one FIRST
Remove extra FIRST statements from the input file.
ERROR: Writing to [file] .
An error occurred while writing to the specified output file.
Refer to library messages on stderr
for more information about the error.
NOTE: No non-C languages defined.
No languages other than C were named
in any FIRST or LANGUAGE statement.
None. This message is for information only.
ERROR: Unknown PROCESS keyword [keyword] .
The PROCESS statement keyword is not
CLINK, LINK, LKED, LOAD, or GENMOD. One of these keywords
must be specified in a PROCESS statement.
Correct the PROCESS statement.
ERROR: Opening utility file.
An error occurred while opening the utility file.
Refer to library messages on stderr
for more information about the error.
NOTE/WARNING/ERROR: Return code from [command] was [num] .
The return code from the specified
operating system command or utility is the value shown in
the message.
If the return code is unexpected,
consult the appropriate operating system documentation for
the meaning of the return code. The operating system may
have issued other messages, or the library may have issued
a diagnostic message on stderr
WARNING: SYSTEM command not issued due to [reason] .
Either an error or attention
prevented the command in the SYSTEM statement from
If an error occurred, refer to the
library messages on stderr
for more information.
WARNING: Entry point name longer than 8 characters. Using [name] as the entry point name.
The entry point name specified in a
FIRST statement, linkage editor ENTRY statement, or the
RESET option for the LOAD command is longer than 8
Shorten the entry point name.
NOTE: Languages in program are [language-list] .
The list contains the language names
specified in the FIRST and LANGUAGE statements.
None. This message is for information only.
WARNING: Name [library] truncated to eight characters.
A library name (a filename under CMS, or
a DDname under MVS-batch and TSO) in an AUTOCALL statement is
longer than eight characters. The maximum length of these
names is eight.
Correct the AUTOCALL statement.
ERROR: No more than [num] TXTLIBs may be GLOBALed.
CMS only: Prior to VM/SP Release 5, the maximum
number of GLOBALed TXTLIBs is 8. The total number of
TXTLIB names found in the AUTOCALL statement exceeds this
Remove TXTLIB names from the AUTOCALL
statements. If the application requires more than 8
TXTLIBs, you must merge some.
NOTE: Echo [command] .
This message is issued when the ECHO
option is in effect. ILCLINK has issued the specified
operating system command.
None. This message is for information only.
ERROR: Unknown CLINK option [option] .
The specified option in a PROCESS
CLINK statement is not a CLINK option. The option may have
been misspelled.
Refer to CLINK documentation for a list
of options.
ERROR: Entry point [name1] in [statement1] conflicts with entry point [name2] spec via [statement2] .
Two conflicting entry point names
have been detected. The name of the entry point may
be specified by a FIRST statement, a linkage editor ENTRY
statement, or the RESET option in a PROCESS LOAD statement.
Check the specified statements and
ensure that the entry point names do not conflict.
WARNING: You must specify an explicit entry point name for [language] programs.
The FIRST statement specified a
default entry point name and no default can be chosen. An
explicit entry point name must be specified when the FIRST
language is COBOL, FORTRAN, or a user-supported language.
Determine the entry point name and add
it to the FIRST statement.
WARNING: [DDname] FILEDEF is already in effect.
CMS only: A FILEDEF for a TXTLIB named in an
AUTOCALL statement has already been issued. ILCLINK will
not reissue the FILEDEF.
Clear conflicting FILEDEFs before invoking ILCLINK.
WARNING: Concatenated SYSLIB FILEDEFs are not supported by the LKED command.
CMS only: More than one AUTOCALL library name
was specified for a PROCESS LKED statement. As of Release
5 of CMS, the LKED command does not support concatentated
SYSLIB libraries. ILCLINK will issue the FILEDEFs anyway.
Put all autocalled object code into a
single TXTLIB.
WARNING: Invalid DDname prefix [prefix] specified by FILES option.
TSO, MVS-batch only: The value specified by the FILES
option was greater than 3 characters long, or the first
character was not A - Z, #, $, or @.
Specify a valid DDname prefix with the FILES option.
ERROR: Dataset is already open.
TSO, MVS-batch only: A data set referred to in the current
statement is already open.
Ensure that all data sets that will be
used are closed before invoking ILCLINK.
ERROR: Specified DDname not found.
TSO, MVS-batch only: A DDname specified in the current
statement has not been allocated.
Ensure that all DDnames that will be
used are allocated before invoking ILCLINK.
SEVERE: In dynamic allocation. Return code [num], reason code [num], information reason
TSO, MVS-batch only: An unexpected error occurred while
executing SVC 99 (dynamic allocation).
Report the return code, reason code, and
information reason code to the Technical
Support Department at SAS Institute.
SEVERE: Dynamic allocation request denied by installation. Return code [num], reason code [num], information reason
TSO, MVS-batch only: An SVC 99 request for dynamic
allocation failed due to an installation restriction.
Consult a systems programmer at your site for more information.
ERROR: JOBLIB, STEPLIB, JOBCAT, or STEPCAT specified on [statement-type] statement.
TSO, MVS-batch only: One of the above DDnames was used in
a statement.
Use another DDname to refer to the data set.
INTERNAL: Invalid dynamic allocation parameter list.
TSO, MVS-batch only: ILCLINK created an invalid SVC 99
parameter list. ILCLINK will issue a user ABEND.
Report the error, including the traceback,
to the Technical Support Department at SAS Institute.
ERROR: Required DDname unavailable.
TSO, MVS-batch only: A DDname in the current statement
has not been allocated.
Ensure that the DDnames used in the
input file have been allocated before invoking ILCLINK.
ERROR: Unable to allocate [dsname] OLD. Allocated to another job or user.
TSO, MVS-batch only: The specified data set is already
in use by another job or session.
Free any conflicting allocation(s) before invoking ILCLINK.
ERROR: Deconcatenation of DDname [ddname] would result in duplicate DDnames.
TSO, MVS-batch only: A data set concatenation created by
ILCLINK contains a DDname that has since been allocated.
Use unique DDnames in ALLOCATE commands
issued via the SYSTEM statement.
ERROR: SYSTEM statement too long to process.
A command specified in a SYSTEM
statement exceeds the limit of 500 characters.
Reduce the number of characters in the
command. This error is most likely caused by excessive
blank space on the command.
WARNING: SYSTEM statements may not be issued in MVS-batch.
MVS-batch only: ILCLINK will not issue a command in a
SYSTEM statement under MVS-batch.
Remove the statement.
ERROR: GENMOD command too long to issue.
CMS only: A PROCESS GENMOD statement requires
that a GENMOD command longer than 240 bytes be created.
ILCLINK cannot create commands longer than 240 bytes.
Re-code the PROCESS GENMOD statement.
This error is most likely the result of excessive blank space in
the statement.
ERROR: Cannot determine first CSECT name.
CMS only: An error occurred while reading the
LOAD MAP file.
Refer to library messages for more
information about the error.
ERROR: [utility] abnormally terminated.
TSO, MVS-batch only: The utility (for example, the linker) invoked
for the current process ABENDed.
Refer to diagnostics issued by the utility for more information.
ERROR: Duplicate DDnames specified in concatenation.
A DDname concatenation used the same DDname more than once. ILCLINK
cannot deconcatenate these DDnames.
Change the JCL used to run ILCLINK to specify unique DDnames.

Copyright (c) 1998 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.