LSCA AR370 Messages

This chapter documents messages generated by the AR370 archive utility on mainframe and cross-platforms. After the text of each message is an explanation of the message and any variables in the message. Variables in messages are indicated by brackets [ ]. All messages can occur in any operating environment unless otherwise indicated in the explanation. In some cases, messages from the run-time library that further describe the problem may appear in conjunction with the AR370 diagnostics.

AR370 diagnostic messages have the form

   LSCA[num] [severity]: [message text]
is the message number
message text
is a description of a possible problem (WARNING) or a condition that will prevent further processing (ERROR).

Note: The AR370 message prefix LSCA has been omitted from the descriptions below.

LSCA Messages


WARNING: The continuation of control statements is not supported.


MVS only: A non-blank character in column 72 of a control statement may indicate an attempt to continue the control statement on to the next card, which is not supported. The next card will be treated as a comment and is not processed. AR370 continues processing.


WARNING: unable to find positioning member [pos_member_name], member [member_name] appended.


An attempt to add a new member or to replace or move an existing member to a position relative (BEFORE or AFTER) to an existing member of the archive failed because the positioning member specified is not currently part of the archive. AR370 continues processing. Some systems may do character translations or change the case of the command line.


Make sure the spelling and case of [pos_mem_name] is correct. Use AR370 to display or type the names of the members in the archive.


WARNING: unable to find move target [member_name].


An attempt to move the member [member_name] in the archive failed because a member by that name is not currently part of the archive. AR370 continues processing. Some systems may do character translations or change the case of the command line.


Make sure the spelling and case of [member_name] is correct. Use AR370 to display or type the names of the members in the archive.


WARNING: unable to find delete target [member_name].


An attempt to delete the member [member_name] in the archive failed because a member by that name is not currently part of the archive. Some systems may do character translations or change the case of the command line.


Make sure the spelling and case of [member_name] is correct. Use AR370 to display or type the names of the members in the archive.


WARNING: unable to find extract target [member_name].


An attempt to extract the member [member_name] in the archive failed because a member by that name is not currently part of the archive. Some systems may do character translations or change the case of the command line.


Make sure the spelling and case of [member_name] is correct. Use AR370 to display or type the names of the members in the archive.


WARNING: The s command modifier is not supported.


The s command modifier to force the regeneration of the archive symbol table is accepted for compatibility, but it has no effect. Processing continues. AR370 by default regenerates the archive symbol table whenever the archive is changed.


WARNING: The u command modifier is not supported.


The u command modifier, used to prevent replacing a newer archive member with an older input file, was accepted for compatibility, but it has no effect. Processing continues.


WARNING: The p command is not supported.


The p command modifier, used to print members of the archive, was accepted for compatibility, but it had no effect. Processing continues.


WARNING: The f command is not supported.


UNIX only: The f command modifier, used to force truncation of file names, was accepted for compatibility, but it had no effect. Processing continues.


ERROR: opening file [filename]. [message].


An attempt to open the file [filename] failed. The [message] is a brief description of the error detected by the run-time library. On MVS this error will occur when the [filename] is a ddname, and the ddname is not defined, but any file system problem or failure that might cause an open to fail could also cause this message.


ERROR: reading file [filename]. [message].


An error occurred when attempting to read from the file or archive named [filename]. The [message] is a brief description of the error detected by the run-time library.

This diagnostic may be produced if the archive has been modified by any utility other than AR370, but any file system problem or failure that might cause a read to fail could also cause this message.


Re-run AR370 with the =warning run-time option to provide additional SAS/C Library diagnostics. Check all input files for validity and integrity. In general input files should be fixed length record format with 80 byte records.


ERROR: Not enough memory available, AR370 cannot continue.


An attempt to allocate memory failed.


Try to increase the amount of memory available to AR370.


ERROR: positioning file [filename]. [message].


An attempt to move read/write file pointer within an archive named [filename] failed. The [message] is a brief description of the error detected by the run-time library.

This diagnostic may be produced if the archive has been modified by any utility other than AR370, but any file system problem or failure that might cause a seek to fail could also be the cause.


Re-run AR370 with the =warning run-time option to provide additional SAS/C Library diagnostics. Check the file for validity and integrity.


ERROR: writing file [filename]. [message].


An attempt to write one or more items to the output file stream was unsuccessful. Usually this is caused by having insufficient space available for all the output, but any file system problem or failure that might cause a write to fail could also be the cause.


Make sure the space available for the output file is large enough to hold all the output. Re-running AR370 with the =warning run-time option may provide additional SAS/C Library diagnostics.


ERROR: Unable to replace original archive [Olibname] with the modified archive [Mlibname].


An attempt to replace the original archive [Olibname] with the new or modified archive [Mlibname] failed. The original archive may be in an inconsistent or corrupted state. On some systems it may be possible to recover the members of the old archive from the modified archive.

A shortage of disk space is the most common cause for this failure but any file system problem or failure that might cause a rename or a close to fail could also be the cause.


ERROR: archive format unrecognized. Can not process file [filename].


A file [filename] specified as an archive did not contain a valid archive. Data read from the file was checked to verify it was an archive. If the archive has been modified by any utility other than AR370, then data could be lost or corrupted.


ERROR: invalid file name, [filename]. Too many or misplaced parentheses.


An input file name [filename] was found to contain parentheses that were either out of order or repeated in the same name. Make sure only one set of parentheses is used in the name. The replace-as operator '=' could also cause this error if used incorrectly or as part of a name.


ERROR: invalid file name, [filename]. No usable characters found in file name.


An input file name [filename], was found to contain characters that were only delimiters or operators. Blanks and parentheses and the replace-as operator '=' are delimiters. The replace-as operator '=' could also cause this error if used incorrectly or as part of a name.


ERROR: invalid file name, [filename]. No usable characters found in member name.


An attempt to derive the archive member name or basename for the input file name [filename] found characters that were only delimiters or operators in the archive member name or basename. Blanks and parentheses and the replace-as operator '=' are delimiters. The replace-as operator '=' could also cause this error if used incorrectly or as part of a name.


ERROR: invalid file name, [string] is not recognized as a file identifier.


An attempt to process a command-line parameter [string] as a file identifier failed.


Check the parameter [string] to make sure it is in the correct position and correctly specified.


ERROR: invalid file name, [filename]. The replace-as operator requires a fully specified file identifier.


On CMS only: An incomplete file identifier was used with the replace-as operator. All input files to be added or replaced with an alternate member name must be completely specified. No defaults or wild cards can be used.


ERROR: invalid INCLUDE card in SYSIN. Card follows: [card_text].


A card read from the data set allocated to SYSIN did not contain a valid INCLUDE control statement, a blank line, or a comment (first character '*'). The contents of the card, [card_text], are echoed on the line after this message.


Make sure all INCLUDE statements conform to the general form and syntax of linkage editor control statements.


ERROR: invalid SYMDEF card in file [filename].


An AR370 SYMDEF control statement in the input file [filename] contained invalid syntax. Other AR370 diagnostics that give more information on the error may precede this message.


Check the SYMDEF control statement in the specified input file to make sure it conforms to the general form and syntax of linkage editor control statements. Make sure the symbol names are between 1 and 8 characters in length.


ERROR: invalid name for DD name [ddname].


On MVS only: the DD name [ddname] from an INCLUDE statement was too long. Check the INCLUDE statements in SYSIN to make sure they conform to the general format of linkage editor control statements and are properly delimited.


ERROR: invalid name [altname] specified as the alternate name for the DD name [ddname], must be between 1 and 18 characters in length.


The alternate archive member name [altname] for the specified input [ddname] was too long. All alternate member names must be at least 1 character and no more than 18 characters in length.


Make sure the replace-as operator = is in the correct position and check the SYSIN, INCLUDE control statements to make sure they conform to the general format of linkage editor control statements and are properly delimited.


ERROR: invalid name for symbol [symbol] specified in a SYMDEF control statement. SYMDEF symbols must be 1 to 8 characters in length.


The symbol name [symbol] was too long. Symbols specified via SYMDEF control statements must be at least 1 character and not more than 8 characters in length.


Check the symdef cards in the input object files.


ERROR: invalid name in replace-as operation [input_string]. Too many replace as operators used.


More than one replace-as operator = was used when specifying the input_string. [input_string] is the target file name and its alternate archive member name. Archive member names that contain the replace-as operator = cannot be created.


ERROR: no members in archive.


This message and a zero return code were the result of an attempt to display or type all members of an empty archive. If target members were specified, a nonzero return code will result.

Copyright (c) 1998 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.