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SAS/C C++ Development System User's Guide, Release 6.50

C++ Debugging Example

This section provides an example of running the debugger with a C++ program. Some of the features the example illustrates include

The important thing to remember is that debugging C++ programs with the SAS/C Debugger is virtually the same as debugging C programs. The debugger looks and feels the same, and in general the commands are the same. This example simply shows the few extra things to remember when you are debugging C++ programs. Once you complete this example, you should be ready to debug your own C++ programs.

Note:   This example requires you to allocate the DDname DBGSLIB to the location of your standard header files. See SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide for more information on the DBGSLIB DDname.  [cautend]

Example Source Code

Here is the source code for the example. The program declares class X , which includes one data object, two constructors, one member function, and a destructor. The member function multiplies the data object by 2. The destructor checks the value of the data object and prints an error message if the data object is not between 7 and 10. The  main function uses the constructors to create several instances of class X, calls the member function four times (once for each instance of  class X ), and then deletes the instances of  class X .
#include <iostream.h>
class X
public: int i;
      // first X constructor
   X(int ia)
      i = ia;
      // second X constructor
   X(int ib, int jb)
      i = ib + jb;
       // X member function myfunc()
   void myfunc()
      i *= 2;
      // X destructor
      int id;
      id = i / 2;
      if (id < 7 || id > 10)
      printf("Error - Out of range\n");
int main()
   X *x1 = new X(7);
   X *x2 = new X(6,2);
   X *x3 = new X(9);
   X *x4 = new X(9,1);
   delete x1;
   delete x2;
   delete x3;
   delete x4;
   return 0;
In this example debugger session, you use the  break, go, query, drop , and  on debugger commands to complete the program. The numbered steps tell you what to type in and show the results of your commands in the various debugger windows. 

You first need to translate, link, and run the sample program. Be sure to specify the debug option when you translate. For information on translating, linking, and running a program in your environment (TSO or CMS), see Using the SAS/C C++ Development System under TSO, CMS, MVS Batch, and OpenEdition . For information on setting up your files and invoking the debugger, see the SAS/C Debugger User's Guide and Reference, Third Edition and the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide. Initial Appearance of the SAS/C Debugger shows the appearance of the debugger at the beginning of your debugging session.  

Initial Appearance of the SAS/C Debugger

Enter the following debugger commands in sequence. Debugger commands are entered after the Cdebug: prompt located in the Command window at the bottom of the screen. (In the following discussion, debugger commands are shown in  monospace font.)  

  1. break "X::X"(0) entry 

    This command sets breakpoints at entry to all constructors for X . The subscript of 0 is necessary because the constructors are overloaded functions. Because the function name has a multitoken name, double quotes are necessary. 

  2. break main 37 


    These two commands first set a breakpoint at line 37 of the main function and tell the debugger to advance to the first breakpoint. The debugger stops on line 37 of  main , as shown in the illustration of the Source window in Stopping at Main . 

    Stopping at Main

  3. go 

    The program proceeds until it enters the first constructor. Stopping in a Constructor shows the Source window.

    Stopping in a Constructor

  4. go 

    Yet another go causes the debugger to stop at entry to the next constructor, as shown in Stopping in Another Constructor . 

    Stopping in Another Constructor

  5. query 

    This command requests the Log window to show all actions and monitors in effect. Two breakpoints are shown; of special interest is the first breakpoint, which shows the subscript of 0, indicating a breakpoint is in effect for all instances of the overloaded constructor, X. Querying the Log Window shows the Log window.

    Querying the Log Window

  6. drop 1 

    break "X::X"(1) return 

    break "X::X"(2) return 

    on myfunc entry print i 

    on myfunc return print i 

    b "X::~X" return 


    The drop command drops breakpoint #1 (it is no longer necessary). Next, you set breakpoints on the return of both versions of the overloaded constructor, using the subscripts 1 and 2. The two  on commands tell the debugger to print the value of the  X member function  i on the entry to and return from the  myfunc member function. The next command sets a breakpoint on the return of the destructor (  b is an abbreviation for  break ). Finally, the  query command shows all the actions and monitors in effect. Of special interest are breakpoints #3 and #4. These breakpoints show the prototypes for the first and second constructors (the first takes a single  int ; the second takes two  int s). Another Log Window shows the Log window after this series of commands. 

    Another Log Window

  7. go 

    This go command causes the debugger to proceed until it reaches the return from the second constructor.

  8.  go 

    Another go causes the debugger to proceed until it reaches the return from the first constructor.

  9.  go 

    This go command causes the debugger to stop again at return from the second constructor. 


    After this go command, the Log window shows the output from eight print commands (4 from entry to  myfunc and 4 from return from  myfunc ). The values printed are 7, 14, 8, 16, 9, 18, 10, and 20. Notice also that the debugger stops at return from the destructor. Log Window Showing Results from Print Commands shows the Log and Source windows for this step. 

    Log Window Showing Results from Print Commands

  10. go 



    At each of these go commands, the debugger stops at the return from the destructor.

  11.  break "X::Y" entry 

    This command illustrates the warning message issued by the debugger when it cannot find a function in the debugger's list of visible functions. Because X::Y is not a valid function name for this program, a warning message appears in the Log window, as shown in Warning Message Displayed when the Debugger Can't Find a Function Name . 

    Warning Message Displayed when the Debugger Can't Find a Function Name

    See Functions in a Mix of C and C++ Code for more information on when you may see this warning message.

  12. go 

    With this last go command, execution completes, and the debugger terminates.

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