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SAS/C Software: Changes and Enhancements, Release 6.50

Return Codes

The program invocation exit must return one of the following values:

Return Codes
0 Continue with debugger normal processing and program invocation, as defined by RDBGOPTS DSECT or C struct RDBG_RUNOPTS. If the program invocation method is manual, issue a message containing process connection information.
4 Continue with debugger normal processing and program invocation, as defined by RDBGOPTS DSECT or C struct RDBG_RUNOPTS, but suppress the process connection information message.
8 Continue with debugger normal processing but suppress debugger program invocation processing and the connection information message.
12 Terminate debugger connection processing and remote debugger initialization and issue a failure message.


Return codes 0 and 12 are typically used as the standard success and failure statuses. Return codes 4 and 8 are intended for special purposes. For example, the exit might return the value 4 after starting a program under MVS batch. It might return the value 8 if your site uses a custom program invocation method.

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