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SAS/C Software: Changes and Enhancements, Release 6.50

Configuration File Window Customization

   This section describes the changes and enhancements for the 3270 square bracket customization in the Config window in Release 6.50.


    The new sqbracket subcommand can be used for window customization and is valid in the configuration file. The  sqbracket command specifies the translation of square bracket characters   [ and  ] to and from their 3270 datastream representation. Both outbound characters can be customized. 

3270 Datastream Square Bracket Representation

The 3270 datastream square bracket representation in hexadecimal is:

Outbound display [ ] -> 41 42
Inbound input [ ] <- 41 42

Changing Square Bracket Characters

The 3270 datastream representation of square brackets for both outbound terminal display and inbound terminal input can be customized. For most 3270 debugger users the debugger automatically selects the correct translation based upon the 3270 device information obtained during window initialization. However, in some circumstances, mainly with some 3270 emulators, the translation selected by the debugger may not properly display or input square bracket characters. The square bracket customization, in the Config window view, contains four fields for the left and right square bracket character translations for both outbound terminal display and inbound terminal input. These fields are initially shown with the settings selected by the debugger or configuration file settings and may be modified by entering a two digit hexadecimal value in the range 40-FE as the replacement character. See Display - Translation Table for possible translation values.

Display - Translation Table
Display Translation Values (hex)
3277 none
3278 41 42
3279 ba bb
for certain 3270 emulators ad bd

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