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SAS/C Software: Changes and Enhancements, Release 6.50

Marking and Detecting Previously Processed COOL Objects

Prior to Release 6.50, a problem frequently encountered was an attempt to process an object deck with COOL that had already been prelinked by COOL. This caused a number of problems, not obviously related to the attempt to reprocess an object with COOL, and usually resulted in an ABEND. In this release, COOL marks each object deck as it is processed and if an attempt is made to reprocess the marked object, COOL produces a diagnostic message indicating the condition.

The new processing is divided into two phases. The first phase marks the output object deck to indicate it has already been processed with COOL. It is controlled by the allowrecool and  noallowrecool options. The second phase detects that an input object deck has been marked to indicate it was previously processed. The second phase is controlled by the  ignorerecool and  noignorerecool options. By default, COOL marks the object deck to prevent an attempt to reprocess it. Also by default, COOL detects that the input object deck was previously processed by COOL. 

Note:   These defaults can cause COOL to indicate an error where it would not detect such an error in previous releases. Under certain restricted circumstances, it is possible to generate object code that can be successfully processed by COOL more than once. If this behavior is desired, the options can be specified such that the output object's decks are not marked and/or that such marking be ignored.  [cautend]

allowrecool Option

    The allowrecool option specifies that the output object deck can be reprocessed by COOL. Therefore, the deck is not marked as already processed by COOL. 

The default noallowrecool specifies that the output object cannot be reprocessed by COOL. A later attempt to reprocess the deck with COOL will produce an error. 

The short form for this option is -rc. 

Note:   COOL does not modify the object deck to enable reprocessing. It is the user's responsibility to determine if a particular object is eligible for reprocessing.  [cautend]

ignorerecool Option

  The ignorerecool option specifies that if any marks are detected indicating that COOL has already processed an input object deck, then the marks are to be ignored. If the  ignorerecool option is specified along with the  verbose option, then a diagnostic message is issued and processing continues. 

The default noignorerecool specifies that any mark indicating that COOL has already processed an input object deck should result in an error message and process termination.  

The short form for this option is -ri.

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