Chapter Contents


SAS/C Software: Changes and Enhancements, Release 6.50

New Commands

Three new commands have been introduced with Release 5.50: the browse and  log commands and the  window find subcommand. 

browse Command

    The browse command is used to browse the area of the source file where the name being browsed is declared. The format of the  browse command is as follows:

 browse [struct|union|class|enum] name 

The name argument is a single identifier name, not an expression.

The class keyword is valid only if auto cxx is in effect. The  cxx keyword is set automatically whenever the debugger detects C++ translated source code. 

If the optional struct, union, class, or enum keyword is not specified, the debugger performs a search in the following order:

  1. the list of preprocessor symbols, if present.
  2. the list of identifiers, typedefs, and enumeration constants.
  3. the list of struct, union, enum, or class tag names.

If one of these optional keywords is specified, only the list of tag names is searched.

Normal C scope rules apply to all searches; command scope is used. If a declaration for the name is found, a Browse window is opened on the file and positioned to the line containing the declaration.

The browse command may be preceded with a  > or  >> command prefix: a  > opens a new Browse window; a  >> or no prefix reuses the most recently used Browse window or opens one if none is open. 

Note:   The only way to issue the browse command is through the Command window (or a PF key). You cannot issue the  browse command in the Browse window.  [cautend] 

log Command

    The log command can be used to log the contents of the Log window to a dataset. The  log command takes the following forms:  

Format 1:
log file [filename]

 Format 2:
log append filename

 Format 3:
log start|stop|capture

The file keyword specifies the file to which logged output is to be written. The  log command writes over the file. If the  log file command is issued without any arguments, the name of the current log file is displayed. 

The append keyword specifies the file to which logged output is appended.

The filename argument is specified as a tso: style filename under MVS, and a  cms: style filename under CMS. Do not, however, specify the  tso: or  cms: prefix in the command; it is assumed. 

Issuing the log command with either a file or an append keyword and a filename argument specifies the file to be used for logging. However, it does not start the logging process. Logging of the contents is started by issuing a  log start command. Logging is turned off by issuing a  log stop command. The  log stop command does not close the file; it flushes the file to disk. Logging may be resumed at anytime by another  log start command. 

Issuing a subsequent log file filename or  log append filename command closes the current log file and opens the file specified for logging. 

The log capture command is used to log everything in the debugger's Log window buffers since the last  log stop. Some log output may be lost if the Log window buffer is not large enough. 

window find Subcommand

   With Release 5.50, a new window subcommand,  find, has been added. The  window find command is used to search for strings and is supported in the following windows:  

The following format is used with the window find command:

 window find window-name 

The window-name argument can be any of the following:

If the <> window-name argument is used, the position of the cursor determines the window that the command is applied to. If a window name is specified as the window-name argument, the position of the logical cursor is used to determine the starting point of the search, if the search is cursor dependent.

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