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SAS/C Software: Changes and Enhancements, Release 6.50

New Signals for OpenEdition

  Release 6.50 of SAS/C has added support for a number of new signals. These signals are defined by OpenEdition MVS in Release 5.2.2 and later. Because these signals are implemented using OpenEdition, it is necessary for programs not called by the MVS shell to call the oesigsetup function in order to handle them.  

Many of these signals (such as SIGBUS) are defined for compatibility with UNIX operating systems, but do not have a defined meaning under MVS. For instance, under some versions of UNIX, a program would catch the  SIGBUS signal to handle memory access errors that cause a  SIGSEGV exception under MVS. Consult UNIX documentation for further information on these signals.  

The new signals and their meanings are as follows:

SIGBUS - UNIX compatibility  

SIGIOER - IBM C compatibility  

SIGPOLL - UNIX compatibility  

SIGPROF - profiling timer expired (see  setitimer) 

SIGSYS - UNIX compatibility  

SIGURG - UNIX compatibility  

SIGVTALRM - virtual timer expired (see  setitimer) 

SIGWINCH - UNIX compatibility  

SIGXCPU - CPU time limit exceeded (see  setrlimit) 

SIGXFSZ - file size limit exceeded (see  setrlimit) 

The default actions for SIGIOER and  SIGWINCH are to ignore the signal. For all others, the default is process termination.

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