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SAS/C Software: Changes and Enhancements, Release 6.50

CMS Setup Requirements

This section describes how to use APPC with the remote debugger for client program communication under CMS. Details on this procedure are documented in the IBM manual VM/ESA Connectivity Planning, Administration, and Operation (SC24-5648-01).

Installing the AVS Virtual Machine

To use APPC with the remote debugger under CMS, you need to install the APPC/VM VTAM Support (AVS) virtual machine and make sure that it is activated. You must define and activate one of more APPC AVS gateway LUs for outbound connections, which requires VTAM VBUILD major node definition and APPL definitions. To define the AVS virtual machine to VTAM, you also need a logon mode table for communication on the SNA network with other APPC LUs.

The AVS VTAM APPC LU definitions can be similar to the VTAM APPL definition for MVS. You can also use the AVS default sample logon mode table AGWTAB. However, you may need to modify these definitions to meet the needs of the VM installation.

Once you complete these tasks, you can activate the AVS gateway(s) and set various session limits with AVS commands such as AGW ACTIVATE GATEWAY and  AGW CNOS. You can use the following CMS command to find the currently active gateway LUs for the AVS virtual machine:


To connect the VM system running the client program with the system running the remote debugger display, you may need to define other VTAM SNA physical and logical network connections. For details on VTAM definitions, refer to the IBM manuals VTAM Network Implementation Guide, V3/R3 (SC31-6434-1) and VTAM Resource Definition Reference, V3/R3 (SC31-6412-1).

Variable Settings

To use APPC as the communication method when running the client program under CMS and remote debugger display under MVS, the debugger environment variables must be set as follows:


Note:   If the client program is halted (using CMS HX) or terminates abnormally, the virtual machine may return to the CMS Ready; prompt. To release the APPC connection to the remote debugger display, you may need to issue another command, such as QUERY TIME. After entering the command, the remote debugger display will get an APPC error, release the APPC session, and terminate.  [cautend]

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