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SAS/C Software: Changes and Enhancements, Release 6.50

MVS Setup Requirements

 To use APPC with the remote debugger under MVS, you need to perform the following tasks:

  1. Allocate the APPC VSAM-side information and transaction program profile datasets. The APPC software includes example datasets in SYS1.SAMPLIB members ATBSIVSM and ATBTPVSM, respectively. ATBSIVSM defines the SYS1.APPCSI dataset and ATBTPVSM defines the SYS1.APPCTP dataset.
  2. Add a logical unit (LU) definition to SYS1.PARMLIB member APPCPMxx, where xx is a two-character qualifier that distinguishes different members used by different system(s). (The operator or system programmer chooses this qualifier at system initialization time through other SYS1.PARMLIB members.) You can use an existing logical unit if the LUADD definition includes TPLEVEL(USER), indicating that USER level Transaction Programs are going to be used. 

    The following sample definition defines C02SESS as a logical unit:


    To use this LU, you would set the debugger environment variable _DB_LU to  C02SESS.

  3.  If the debugger display process and client program are going to run on different systems or LUs on the VTAM network, define a VTAM APPL for the LU to be used by the remote debugger. For example, this APPL definition might appear in SYS1.VTAMLST or an equivalent VTAM definition file:
             VBUILD TYPE=APPL

    The APPL could can then be activated by a VTAM VARY command of the form:


    The specified MODETAB is the system-supplied logon mode table for VTAM and can be used with the remote debugger and client program. (In fact, almost any available MODETAB can be used.) However, when the client program is running on a different system, node, or LU on the VTAM network, or is a CICS application, you must specify the mode table with the _DB_MODE environment variable.


Configuring a network of workstations and terminals under MVS requires a number of VTAM definitions. VTAM requires definitions for each workstation (physical unit) and the logical units (LUs) through which transaction programs, such as the remote debugger, communicate. For details on VTAM/APPC requirements, refer to the IBM publication MVS/ESA Planning: APPC Management, Version 4.0 (GC28-1110-0). For details on VTAM definitions, refer to the IBM publications VTAM Network Implementation Guide, V3/R4 (SC31-6434-1), and VTAM Resource Definition Reference, V3/R3 (SC31-6412-1).

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