You can compute and display kernel estimators to your data using the Kernel tab. There are five parameters and one button on the Kernel tab:
The bandwidth criteria are:
The two end bins are half the width of the uniformly spaced interior bins. For example, if the range of the horizontal data is [0,4], and you specify five bins, then the data is pooled into bins centered at the integers 0 – 4. The two end bins have width 0.5, while the interior bins have unit width. This scheme may result in "boundary effects" that underweight the data points near the ends of the data range.
Since the number of bins determines the smallest allowed bandwidth parameter, choosing a small number of bins may result in oversmoothing the data. When using an automatic bandwidth selection criterion, you should choose enough bins so that the bandwidth selection algorithm can examine small and large bandwidths while trying to determine an optimal bandwidth.