

void MRAApprox( Matrix Decomposition, Matrix ThreshOpt, int StartLevel, int EndLevel, String Header )


Matrix Decomposition
A wavelet decomposition produced by the WAVFT subroutine.

Matrix ThreshOpt
A numeric vector with four elements that specifies the thresholding to be used. If this parameter is not specified, no thresholding is performed. The documentation for the WAVIFT subroutine describes the use of the ThreshOpt vector.

int StartLevel
A scalar that specifies the lowest level to be displayed in the plot. If this parameter is not specified, the starting level of the decomposition is used.

int EndLevel
A scalar that specifies the highest level to be displayed in the plot. If this parameter is not specified, the end level of the decomposition is used.

String Header
The title of the plot. If this parameter is not specified, the default title "Multiresolution Approximation" is used.


This module creates a LinePlot that displays a multiresolution approximation of the wavelet decomposition from level StartLevel to level EndLevel. At each level, the reconstruction at that level approximates the original data using only the detail and scaling coefficients defined below that level.

PI = 4 * atan( 1 );
x = T( do(0, 1, 1/1023) );
y = sqrt( x#(1-x) ) # sin( PI*2.1/(x+0.05) );
call wavft( decomp, y, WAV_HAAR );
call MRAApprox( decomp, WAV_SURESHRINK, 4, , );
See Also

Constants for Wavelet Functions and Modules