

Matrix DoDialogModifyDouble( Matrix mValue, String sTitle, String sMessage )

Return Value

The return value is 1 on success or 0 on failure. If the user clicks Cancel or closes the dialog box, the return value is 0.


Matrix mValue
A scalar numeric matrix containing the value to be modified by the user. Upon successful return, this matrix contains the new value entered by the user.

String sTitle
The title of the dialog box.

String sMessage
A message that appears at the top of the dialog box.


This module displays a dialog box that prompts the user to modify the value of a scalar numeric matrix. The dialog box accepts any valid double-precision floating-point number or a single period character representing a missing value.

title = "Number of Iterations";
message = "Please enter the number of iterations:";
x = 100;
ok = DoDialogModifyDouble( x, title, message );
if ok then
    print x;
    print "Function failed";
See Also
