

Matrix RankC( Matrix m )

Return Value

The return value is a matrix whose elements are the ranks of the corresponding elements of m. The ranks of tied values are assigned arbitrarily.


Matrix m
A character matrix or literal.


This function behaves like the built-in SAS/IML RANK function except that RankC computes the ranks of a character matrix instead of a numeric matrix. The RankC function can be used to sort a character vector in ASCII order. Note that uppercase letters precede lowercase letters in the ASCII order, so if you want to compare mixed-case strings, you may want to call rankc( upcase( m ) ).

m = { "it" "was" "the", "best"  "of" "times",
      "it" "was" "the", "worst" "of" "times" };
r = rankc( m );
print r;
a = { B C C A A D B };
sorted = a;
sorted[ rankc(a) ] = a;
print sorted;
See Also
