
Matrix IntToRGB( Matrix mColors )

Return Value

The return value is an (n x 3) matrix containing the RGB component values of the integer color values in the vector mColors.


Matrix mColors
A numeric vector containing integer color values.


This module converts integer color values to RGB component values. You can specify a color as a hexadecimal value of the form 00rrggbbX, where rr specifies the color's red component (00–FF hexadecimal), gg specifies the color's green component (00–FF hexadecimal), and bb specifies the color's blue component (00–FF hexadecimal). The predefined color constants BLACK, BLUE, BROWN, CHARCOAL, CREAM, CYAN, GOLD, GRAY, GREY, GREEN, LILAC, LIME, MAGENTA, MAROON, OLIVE, ORANGE, PINK, PURPLE, RED, ROSE, SALMON, STEEL, TAN, VIOLET, WHITE, and YELLOW are themselves integer values of this form.

colors = { (CYAN), (YELLOW), 00FF8000x, 008C7962x };
rgb = IntToRGB( colors );
print RGB[colname={"Red" "Green" "Blue"}
          rowname={"Cyan" "Yellow" "Orange" "Brown" }];
See Also