

void CreateFullScatterMatrix( DataObject dobj, Matrix mVarNames )


DataObject dobj
The DataObject containing the variables to be plotted.

Matrix mVarNames
A character vector containing the names of the variables to be plotted. Each variable must be of interval type.


This module creates a matrix of N*N plots that show the pairwise relationships between N variables.

If you want to access the plots after the module returns, you can access the array of plots via the global variable __CreateFullScatterMatrix. This variable is a Java array of objects of the Plot class. Before referring to this variable, you must include the following declaration:

declare Plot[] __CreateFullScatterMatrix;

The N*N plots are stored in the array in column-major order. Note that because Java arrays use zero-based indexing, the first plot is accessed as __CreateFullScatterMatrix[0].

declare DataObject dobj;
dobj = DataObject.CreateFromFile( "gpa" );

varNames = { "SATM" "SATV" "GPA" };
run CreateFullScatterMatrix( dobj, varNames );
See Also
