

void ShowAxisReferenceLines( int nAxisID <, boolean bShow> )


int nAxisID
A predefined constant specifying the axis. The valid values are XAXIS, YAXIS, and ZAXIS.

boolean bShow
If bShow is true, the reference lines are displayed. If bShow is false, the reference lines are hidden. Calling this method without a parameter is equivalent to calling it with bShow equal to true.


This method shows or hides the reference lines for a specific axis.

Reference lines are vertical or horizontal lines emanating from major tick marks. They can be used to superimpose a grid on the Plot Area.

x = { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 };
y = { 2 1 4 5 6 5 6 9 };
declare ScatterPlot plot = ScatterPlot.Create( "Sample Data", x, y );
plot.ShowAxisReferenceLines( YAXIS );
See Also
