void DrawSetTextAngle( double dAngle )
double dAngle
The angle (in degrees above the horizontal) of text drawn by subsequent DrawText commands.
This method specifies the angle (in degrees above the horizontal) of text drawn by subsequent DrawText commands.
The default text angle is zero.
x = { -2 2 }; y = { -1.5 1.5 }; declare ScatterPlot plot; plot = ScatterPlot.Create( "Sample Data", x, y ); plot.ShowObs( false ); plot.DrawUseDataCoordinates(); PI = 4*atan(1); angle = do(0,360,45); plot.DrawSetBrushColor( YELLOW ); do i = 1 to ncol(angle)-1; plot.DrawArc( 0, 0, 1, angle[i], angle[i+1], true ); plot.DrawSetTextAngle( angle[i] ); c = cos( angle[i] * PI / 180 ); s = sin( angle[i] * PI / 180 ); plot.DrawText( c, s, char(angle[i]) ); end;