

void DrawSetBrushStyle( int nStyle <, boolean bTransparent> )


int nStyle
A predefined constant specifying the new style for the brush. The valid values are BRUSH_SOLID, BRUSH_HATCH_HORZ, BRUSH_HATCH_VERT, BRUSH_HATCH_BACKDIAG, BRUSH_HATCH_DIAG, BRUSH_HATCH_PLUS, and BRUSH_HATCH_X.

boolean bTransparent
If bTransparent is true, the interior of a closed figure is hatched according to the nStyle parameter (and the brush's current hatch color) but it is not filled with the brush's current fill color. If bTransparent is false, the interior of a closed figure is hatched according to the nStyle parameter (and the brush's current hatch color) and it is filled with the brush's current fill color. Calling this method without specifying the bTransparent parameter is equivalent to calling it with bTransparent equal to false.


This method assigns a fill pattern to the brush. There is only one brush and it is shared by all three drawing regions (PLOTBACKGROUND, PLOTFOREGROUND, GRAPHFOREGROUND). The brush is used to fill the interior of closed figures such as arcs, markers, rectangles, and polygons. The outline of a figure is drawn using the current pen characteristics.

The default brush style is BRUSH_SOLID.

x = { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 };
y = { 2 1 4 5 6 5 6 9 };
declare ScatterPlot plot;
plot = ScatterPlot.Create( "Sample Data", x, y );
plot.DrawSetBrushColor( YELLOW, RED );
plot.DrawSetBrushStyle( BRUSH_HATCH_PLUS );
plot.DrawRectangle( 2, 3, 6, 7, true );
See Also
