

void DrawNumericAxis( double dX1, double dY1, double dX2, double dY2, double dFirstTickValue, double dLastTickValue, int nNumTicks <, double dTickAngle> )


double dX1, dY1
The ordered pair specifying the coordinates of the beginning of the axis. These coordinates are assumed to be in the current coordinate system.

double dX2, dY2
The ordered pair specifying the coordinates of the end of the axis. These coordinates are assumed to be in the current coordinate system.

double dFirstTickValue
The value of the tick placed at the beginning of the axis.

double dLastTickValue
The value of the tick placed at the end of the axis.

int nNumTicks
The number of evenly spaced tick marks.

double dTickAngle
The angle (in degrees above the horizontal) at which ticks are drawn. If this parameter is not specified, tick marks are drawn perpendicular to the axis and in a direction away from the plot's center.


This method draws an axis with uniform numeric tick marks. The label associated with the ith tick mark is dFirstTickValue + (i - 1) * (dLastTickValue - dFirstTickValue) / (nNumTicks - 1). The axis is drawn using the current drawing attributes. The line and tick marks are drawn using the current pen characteristics and the text is drawn using the current text characteristics.

x = { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 };
y = { 2 1 4 5 6 5 6 9 };
declare LinePlot plot;
plot = LinePlot.Create( "Sample Data", x, y );
plot.DrawNumericAxis( 8, 1, 8, 9, 1, 9, 5 );
See Also
