

void DrawMarker( Matrix mX, Matrix mY <, int nShape> )

void DrawMarker( Matrix mX, Matrix mY, int nShape <, int nSize> )

void DrawMarker( double[] adX, double[] adY <, int nShape> )

void DrawMarker( double[] adX, double[] adY, int nShape <, int nSize> )


Matrix mX
A numeric vector containing the horizontal coordinates of the markers. These coordinates are assumed to be in the current coordinate system.

Matrix mY
A numeric vector containing the vertical coordinates of the markers. These coordinates are assumed to be in the current coordinate system.

double[] adX
An array containing the horizontal coordinates of the markers. These coordinates are assumed to be in the current coordinate system.

double[] adY
An array containing the vertical coordinates of the markers. These coordinates are assumed to be in the current coordinate system.

int nShape
A predefined constant specifying the desired marker shape. The valid values are MARKER_SQUARE, MARKER_PLUS, MARKER_CIRCLE, MARKER_DIAMOND, MARKER_X, MARKER_TRIANGLE, MARKER_INVTRIANGLE, and MARKER_STAR. To draw a hollow marker, add the value MARKER_HOLLOW to one of the other MARKER_ values.

int nSize
The size of the markers. The nSize parameter must be in the range 1-8.


This method draws a set of markers centered at the ordered pairs (mX[1], mY[1]), … (mX[n], mY[n]) where n is the number of elements in the vectors mX and mY (and similarly for the Java arrays).

The markers are drawn using the symbol specified by the nShape parameter. If nShape is not specified, MARKER_SQUARE is used by default. The size of the markers is determined by the nSize parameter. If nSize is not specified, the markers are scaled automatically based on the size of the plot's window.

The markers are outlined with the current pen color using a solid pen of width one. If the nShape parameter does not include the value MARKER_HOLLOW, the markers are filled with the current brush color.

t = do( 0, 3, 0.05 );
x = exp(-t)#cos(4*t);
y = exp(-t)#sin(4*t);
declare LinePlot plot;
plot = LinePlot.Create( "test", x, y );
plot.SortPoints( "Y", false );
plot.DrawMarker( 1, 0, MARKER_X, 8 );
plot.DrawMarker( 0, 0, MARKER_TRIANGLE+MARKER_HOLLOW, 8 );