

void SetLineMarkerShape( <String sVarName,> int nShape )

void SetLineMarkerShape( <int nLineNum,> int nShape )

void SetLineMarkerShape( <Matrix mLineSpec,> int nShape )


int nShape
A predefined constant specifying the desired marker shape. The valid values are MARKER_SQUARE, MARKER_PLUS, MARKER_CIRCLE, MARKER_DIAMOND, MARKER_X, MARKER_TRIANGLE, MARKER_INVTRIANGLE, and MARKER_STAR. The nShape parameter can also be -1, which instructs the plot to use the default marker shape for each observation along the line. See Remarks for further details.

String sVarName
The name of the Y axis variable whose line you want to affect.

int nLineNum
The number (1-based) of the line you want to affect.

Matrix mLineSpec
If mLineSpec is a numeric matrix, the first element specifies the number (1-based) of the line you want to affect. If mLineSpec is a character matrix, the first element specifies the name of the Y axis variable whose line you want to affect.


This method changes the marker shape used to represent each observation along a line in a line plot. If you do not specify sVarName, nLineNum, or mLineSpec, the method acts on all lines in the plot.

The versions of this method that accept a Y axis variable name can only be used with line plots that do not use group variables.

By default, a line plot obtains the marker shape of each observation from the associated DataObject. The method SetLineMarkerShape enables you to override the marker shapes stored in the DataObject on a line-by-line basis.

When the method SetLineMarkerShape is used to override the marker shapes for a line, the plot draws the markers in the same color as the line. In this case the plot does not use the fill and outline colors stored in the DataObject.

x  = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
y1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
y2 = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
y3 = { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
declare DataObject dobj = DataObject.Create( "Sample Data" );
dobj.AddVar( "X", "X", x );
dobj.AddVar( "Y1", "Y1", y1 );
dobj.AddVar( "Y2", "Y2", y2 );
dobj.AddVar( "Y3", "Y3", y3 );
declare LinePlot plot = LinePlot.Create( dobj, "X", "Y1", false );
plot.AddVar( "Y2" );
plot.AddVar( "Y3" );
plot.SetLineMarkerShape( "Y2", MARKER_TRIANGLE );
plot.SetMarkerSize( 8 );
See Also
