

boolean IsExistingAttachment( String sName )

Return Value

If an attachment with the specified name exists in the DataView, the return value is true. Otherwise, the return value is false.


String sName
The name of the attachment.


Use this method to determine whether an attachment with the specified name exists in the DataView.

The DataView class enables you to add attachments to a DataView. This enables you to associate additional information about a DataView with the DataView itself. The DataView does not use your attachments.

x = rannor( 1:100 );
declare Histogram plot = Histogram.Create( "Example", x );

plot.AddAttachedDouble( "X Mean", x[:] );

if plot.IsExistingAttachment( "X Mean" ) then
    print "The mean of the X variable has been computed.";
    print "The mean of the X variable has not been computed.";