

void AddAttachedMatrix( String sName, Matrix m )


String sName
The name for the attachment. The name can contain any characters. If an attachment with the specified name already exists, the existing attachment is replaced.

Matrix m
The matrix to add as an attachment.


This method adds a matrix as an attachment to the DataView. You can retrieve the attachment later by calling the method GetAttachedMatrix.

The DataView class enables you to add attachments to a DataView. This enables you to associate additional information about a DataView with the DataView itself. The DataView does not use your attachments.

x = rannor( 1:100 );
declare Histogram plot = Histogram.Create( "Example", x );

minmax = x[><] // x[<>];
plot.AddAttachedMatrix( "X MinMax", minmax );

plot.GetAttachedMatrix( "X MinMax", xmm );
print xmm;
See Also
