

void GetVarSelectedData( Matrix mVarNames, Matrix mData <, boolean bIntersectionMode> )

void GetVarSelectedData( String sVarName, Matrix mData <, boolean bIntersectionMode> )

void GetVarSelectedData( String[] asVarNames, Matrix mData <, boolean bIntersectionMode> )


Matrix mVarNames
A vector containing the names of the variables whose data you want to retrieve.

String sVarName
The name of the variable whose data you want to retrieve.

String[] asVarNames
An array containing the names of the variables whose data you want to retrieve.

Matrix mData
Upon return, contains a matrix in which the columns contain the selected observations for the specified variables.

boolean bIntersectionMode
If bIntersectionMode is true and the DataObject is in Local Selection Mode, an observation is considered selected if it is selected in all Selector views. If bIntersectionMode is false and the DataObject is in Local Selection Mode, an observation is considered selected if it is selected in any Selector view. If the DataObject is in Global Selection Mode, this parameter is ignored. Calling this method without specifying the bIntersectionMode parameter is equivalent to calling it with bIntersectionMode equal to false.


This method retrieves the specified variables' data for the observations that are selected in the DataObject.

mData = { 20 165,
          30 170,
          40 175,
          50 180,
          60 170,
          70 160 };
mVarNames = { "Age", "Weight" };
declare DataObject dobj;
dobj = DataObject.Create( "Sample Data", mVarNames, mData, false );
DataTable.Create( dobj ).ActivateWindow();
mObs = { 2 3 };
dobj.SelectObs( mObs );
dobj.GetVarSelectedData( "Age", m );
print m;
See Also
