

void ShowNotches( <boolean bShow> )


boolean bShow
If bShow is true, a notched box plot is displayed. If bShow is false, notches are not shown. Calling this method without a parameter is equivalent to calling it with bShow equal to true.


This method controls whether the box plot is notched. The notches indicate a 95 percent confidence interval about the median.

gender = { M  M  M  M  M  M  M  M  M  M  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F };
height = { 58 59 60 52 54 56 59 64 57 58 63 62 59 61 59 58 54 58 53 56 };
declare DataObject dobj = DataObject.Create( "Student Height" );
dobj.AddVar( "Gender", "Gender", gender );
dobj.AddVar( "Height", "Height", height );
declare BoxPlot plot;
plot = BoxPlot.Create( dobj, "Gender", "Height" );