Passing Information to Programs in Batch Mode

It is often desirable to pass information to an IMLPlus program from the command line used to run it. You may want to specify the name of a data set or the names of variables. IMLPlus.exe enables you to pass up to 32 named parameters to an IMLPlus program.

Each command-line parameter has a name and a value. The syntax for defining a command-line parameter is:

-d name=value


-d name="value"

A command-line parameter's name must conform to the following rules:

Command-line parameter names are not case sensitive.

A command-line parameter's value must conform to the following rules:

An IMLPlus program can retrieve the value of a command-line parameter by using the method Runtime.GetCommandLineParameter.


Suppose the file contains the following IMLPlus program:

declare DataObject dobj;
dataset = Runtime.GetCommandLineParameter( "DataSet" );
dobj = DataObject.CreateFromFile( dataset );
xvar = Runtime.GetCommandLineParameter( "X" );
yvar = Runtime.GetCommandLineParameter( "Y" );
declare ScatterPlot plot;
plot = ScatterPlot.Create( dobj, xvar, yvar );
PlotFileName = Runtime.GetCommandLineParameter( "PlotFileName" );
plot.SaveToFile( PlotFileName, 800, 533 );

The following invocation of IMLPlus.exe will run the program:

imlplus -d dataset=baseball -d x=no_hits -d y=no_runs -d plotfilename=Example.bmp

If everything runs correctly, this program will create a bitmap graphics file called Example.bmp that contains a scatter plot of the variables NO_HITS and NO_RUNS from the data set baseball.sas7bdat.