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 Create a Pie Chart 3 of 4  

Set Pie Chart Options and Specify Titles

There are many options that you can set that affect the appearance of the pie chart. In these steps you add labels to the pie slices and specify a custom title.

  1. In the selection pane, click Layout.

  2. Click the Percentage drop-down list and select Outside.

Options for Pie slices
Click to view the full window.

  1. In the selection pane, click Titles.

  2. In the Section box, select Graph. Clear the Use default text check box, delete the default title, and type Total Profit by Product Category.

Titles section of the Pie Chart task window
Click to view the full window.

  1. In the Section box, select Footnote. Clear the Use default text check box and delete the default footnote text.

Next you run the task and view the pie chart.

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