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Learning the Basics
 Start a Project and Explore the Main Windows 1 of 6  


The first time you start SAS Enterprise Guide, the windows are arranged in the default application layout. This layout consists of the project tree, the Resources pane, and the workspace area.

The Resources pane is displayed by default in the lower-left corner of the SAS Enterprise Guide window, and it provides access to the Task List, SAS Folders, the Server List, the Prompt Manager, and Data Exploration History. By default, the Resources pane displays the Server List.

The workspace area is the main area of the SAS Enterprise Guide application and is used to display your data, code, logs, task results, and process flows. At first, the process flow is the only window that is open in the workspace area. When you generate reports or open data, other windows open in the workspace with a tabbed interface. You can also use the recently viewed items menu in the upper-left corner of the workspace to navigate between the windows.

SAS Enterprise Guide workspace

If you customize your layout by closing, opening, or changing the position of windows, your changes are saved when you exit SAS Enterprise Guide. If you want to restore the default layout, you can select Toolsthen Options, and then click Restore Window Layout. If you close one of the application windows and want to restore it, you can select the window name from the View menu.

Next you start SAS Enterprise Guide and create a new project for this tutorial.

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