
Getting Started Example for PROC COMPUTAB


                    SAS Sample Library

 Description: Example program from SAS/ETS User's Guide,
              The COMPUTAB Procedure
       Title: Getting Started Example for PROC COMPUTAB
     Product: SAS/ETS Software
        Keys: programmable tabular reports


data report;
   length compdiv $ 1;
   input compdiv $ date:date7. salary travel insure advrtise;
   format date date7.;
   label travel   = 'Travel Expenses within U.S.'
         advrtise = 'Advertising'
         salary   = 'Permanent Staff Salaries'
         insure   = 'Benefits Including Insurance';
A 31JAN1989 95000  10500  2000 6500
B 31JAN1989 668000 112000 5600 90000
C 31JAN1989 105000 6800   9000 18500
A 28FEB1989 91000  8200   1900 12000
B 28FEB1989 602000 99000  5500 86000
C 28FEB1989 96000  6000   8500 16000

title 'Year to Date Expenses';

proc computab cwidth=8 cdec=0;

   columns a  b  c / 'Division' _name_;
   columns total / 'All' 'Divisions' +4 f=dollar10.0;

   rows travel advrtise salary insure / _label_;
   rows insure / dul;
   rows sum / 'Total';

   a = compdiv = 'A';
   b = compdiv = 'B';
   c = compdiv = 'C';

   colblk: total = a + b + c;
   rowblk: sum   = travel + advrtise + salary + insure;

data report;
   length compdiv $ 1;
   input compdiv $ date:date7. salary travel insure advrtise;
   format date date7.;
   label travel   = 'Travel Expenses within U.S.'
         advrtise = 'Advertising'
         salary   = 'Permanent Staff Salaries'
         insure   = 'Benefits Including Insurance';
A 31JAN1989 95000  10500  2000 6500
B 31JAN1989 668000 112000 5600 90000
C 31JAN1989 105000 6800   9000 18500
A 28FEB1989 91000  8200   1900 12000
B 28FEB1989 602000 99000  5500 86000
C 28FEB1989 96000  6000   8500 16000

title 'Listing of Monthly Divisional Expense Data';
proc print data=report;

title 'Monthly Divisional Expense Report';
proc computab data=report;

proc computab data=report;
   rows travel advrtise salary;

proc computab data= report;
   rows travel advrtise salary insure;
   columns a b c;
   *----select column for company division,
        based on value of compdiv----*;
   a = compdiv = 'A';
   b = compdiv = 'B';
   c = compdiv = 'C';

proc computab data= report;
   rows travel advrtise salary insure sum;
   columns a b c total;
   a = compdiv = 'A';
   b = compdiv = 'B';
   c = compdiv = 'C';
   colblk: total = a + b + c;
   rowblk: sum   = travel + advrtise + salary + insure;

title 'Year to Date Expenses';

proc computab cwidth=8 cdec=0;

   columns a  b  c / 'Division' _name_;
   columns total / 'All' 'Divisions' +4 f=dollar10.0;

   rows travel advrtise salary insure / _label_;
   rows insure / dul;
   rows sum / 'Total';

   a = compdiv = 'A';
   b = compdiv = 'B';
   c = compdiv = 'C';

   colblk: total = a + b + c;
   rowblk: sum   = travel + advrtise + salary + insure;