
A User-Defined Trend Model

                    SAS Sample Library

       Description: Example program from SAS/ETS User's Guide,
              The SSM Procedure
       Title: A User-Defined Trend Model
       Product: SAS/ETS Software
        Keys: State space models
        PROC: SSM



data times;
  input time1-time23;
 122  150  166  179  219  247  276  296  324  354  380  445
 478  508  536  569  599  627  655  668  723  751  781

data Cows;
  if _n_ = 1 then merge times;
  array t{23} time1   - time23;
  array w{23} weight1 - weight23;
  input cow iron infection weight1-weight23 @@;
  do i=1 to 23;
     weight = w{i};
     tpoint = (t{i}-t{1})/10;
  keep cow iron infection tpoint weight;
  1 0 0  4.7    4.905  5.011  5.075  5.136  5.165  5.298  5.323
         5.416  5.438  5.541  5.652  5.687  5.737  5.814  5.799
         5.784  5.844  5.886  5.914  5.979  5.927  5.94
  2 0 0  4.868  5.075  5.193  5.22   5.298  5.416  5.481  5.521
         5.617  5.635  5.687  5.768  5.799  5.872  5.886  5.872
         5.914  5.966  5.991  6.016  6.087  6.098  6.153
  3 0 0  4.868  5.011  5.136  5.193  5.273  5.323  5.416  5.46
         5.521  5.58   5.617  5.687  5.72   5.753  5.784  5.784
         5.784  5.814  5.829  5.872  5.927  5.9    5.991
  4 0 0  4.828  5.011  5.136  5.193  5.273  5.347  5.438  5.561
         5.541  5.598  5.67    .     5.737  5.844  5.858  5.872
         5.886  5.927  5.94   5.979  6.052  6.028  6.12
  5 1 0  4.787  4.977  5.043  5.136  5.106  5.298  5.298  5.371
         5.438  5.501  5.561  5.652  5.67   5.737  5.784  5.768
         5.784  5.784  5.829  5.858  5.914  5.9    5.94
  6 1 0  4.745  4.868  5.043  5.106  5.22   5.298  5.347  5.347
         5.416  5.501  5.561  5.58   5.687  5.72   5.737  5.72
         5.737  5.753  5.768  5.784  5.844  5.844  5.9
  7 1 0  4.745  4.905  5.011  5.106  5.165  5.273  5.371  5.416
         5.416  5.521  5.541  5.635  5.687  5.704  5.784  5.768
         5.768  5.814  5.829  5.858  5.94   5.94   6.004
  8 0 1  4.942  5.106  5.136  5.193  5.298  5.347  5.46   5.521
         5.561  5.58   5.635  5.704  5.784  5.823  5.858  5.9
         5.94   5.991  6.016  6.064  6.052  6.016  5.979
  9 0 1  4.605  4.745  4.868  4.905  4.977  5.22   5.165  5.22
         5.22   5.247  5.298  5.416  5.501  5.521  5.58   5.58
         5.635  5.67   5.72   5.753  5.799  5.829  5.858
 10 0 1  4.7    4.868  4.905  4.977  5.011  5.106  5.165  5.22
         5.22   5.22   5.273  5.384  5.438  5.438  5.501  5.501
         5.541  5.598  5.58   5.635  5.687  5.72   5.704
 11 0 1  4.828  5.011  5.075  5.165  5.247  5.323  5.394  5.46
         5.46   5.501  5.541  5.609  5.687  5.704  5.72   5.704
         5.704  5.72   5.737  5.768  5.858  5.9    5.94
 12 0 1  4.7    4.828  4.905  5.011  5.075  5.165  5.247  5.298
         5.298  5.323  5.416  5.505  5.561  5.58   5.561  5.635
         5.687  5.72   5.72   5.737  5.784  5.814  5.799
 13 0 1  4.828  5.011  5.075  5.136  5.22   5.273  5.347  5.416
         5.438  5.416  5.521  5.628  5.67   5.687  5.72   5.72
         5.799  5.858  5.872  5.914  5.94   5.991  6.016
 14 0 1  4.828  4.942  5.011  5.075  5.075  5.22   5.273  5.298
         5.323  5.298  5.394  5.489  5.541  5.58   5.617  5.67
         5.704  5.753  5.768  5.814  5.872  5.927  5.927
 15 0 1  4.745  4.905  4.977  5.075  5.193  5.22   5.298  5.323
         5.394  5.394  5.438  5.583  5.617  5.652  5.687  5.72
         5.753  5.768  5.814  5.844  5.886  5.886  5.886
 16 0 1  4.7    4.868  5.011  5.043  5.106  5.165  5.247  5.298
         5.347  5.371  5.438  5.455  5.617  5.635  5.704  5.737
         5.784  5.768  5.814  5.844  5.886  5.94   5.927
 17 1 1  4.605  4.787  4.828  4.942  5.011  5.136  5.22   5.247
         5.273  5.247  5.347  5.366  5.416  5.46   5.541  5.481
         5.501  5.635  5.652  5.598  5.635  5.635  5.598
 18 1 1  4.828  4.977  5.011  5.136  5.273  5.298  5.371  5.46
         5.416  5.416  5.438  5.557  5.617  5.67   5.72   5.72
         5.799  5.858  5.886  5.914  5.979  6.004  6.028
 19 1 1  4.7    4.905  4.942  5.011  5.043  5.136  5.193  5.193
         5.247  5.22   5.323  5.338  5.371  5.394  5.438  5.416
         5.501  5.561  5.541  5.58   5.652  5.67   5.704
 20 1 1  4.745  4.905  4.977  5.043  5.136  5.273  5.347  5.394
         5.416  5.394  5.521  5.617  5.617  5.617  5.67   5.635
         5.652  5.687  5.652  5.617  5.687  5.768  5.814
 21 1 1  4.787  4.942  4.977  5.106  5.165  5.247  5.323  5.416
         5.394  5.371  5.438  5.521  5.521  5.561  5.635  5.617
         5.687  5.72   5.737  5.737  5.768  5.768  5.704
 22 1 1  4.605  4.828  4.828  4.977  5.043  5.165  5.22   5.273
         5.247  5.22   5.298  5.375  5.371  5.416  5.501  5.501
         5.521  5.561  5.617  5.635  5.72   5.737  5.768
 23 1 1  4.7    4.905  5.011  5.075  5.106  5.22   5.22   5.298
         5.323  5.347  5.416  5.472  5.501  5.541  5.598  5.598
         5.598  5.652  5.67   5.704  5.737  5.768  5.784
 24 1 1  4.745  4.942  5.011  5.075  5.106  5.247  5.273  5.323
         5.347  5.371  5.416  5.481  5.501  5.541  5.598  5.598
         5.635  5.687  5.704  5.72   5.829  5.844  5.9
 25 1 1  4.654  4.828  4.828  4.977  4.977  5.043  5.136  5.165
         5.165  5.165  5.193  5.204  5.22   5.273  5.371  5.347
         5.46   5.58   5.635  5.67   5.753  5.799  5.844
 26 1 1  4.828  4.977  5.011  5.106  5.165  5.22   5.273  5.323
         5.371  5.394  5.46   5.576  5.652  5.617  5.687  5.67
         5.72   5.784  5.784  5.784  5.829  5.814  5.844

data Cows;
   set Cows;
   ironInf = "No Iron and No Infection";
   if iron=1 and infection=1 then ironInf = "Iron and Infection";
   else if iron=1 and infection=0 then ironInf = "Iron and No Infection";
   else if iron=0 and infection=1 then ironInf = "No Iron and Infection";
   else ironInf = "No Iron and No Infection";

 proc sort data=Cows;
     by tpoint ;

 proc ssm data=Cows;
    where iron=1 and infection=1;
    id tpoint;
    parms var1 var2 / lower=(1.e-8 1.e-8);
    array tMat{2,2};
    tMat[1,1] = 1;
    tMat[2,2] = 1;
    tMat[1,2] = _ID_DELTA_;
    array covMat{2,2};
    covMat[1,1] = var1*_ID_DELTA_ + var2*_ID_DELTA_**3/3;
    covMat[1,2] = var2*_ID_DELTA_**2/2;
    covMat[2,1] = covMat[1,2] ;
    covMat[2,2] = var2*_ID_DELTA_;
    state harveyLL(2) T(g)=(tMat) cov(g)=(covMat) a1(2);
    component trend = harveyLL[1];
    component slope = harveyLL[2];
    irregular wn;
    model  weight = trend  wn;
    output out=for;

 proc sgplot data=For;
     title "Model Fit: Two-Parameter Polynomial Spline of Order 2";
     series x=tpoint y=smoothed_trend;
     scatter x=tpoint y=weight;

 proc sgplot data=For;
     title "Smoothed Estimate of Growth-Rate";
     series x=tpoint y=smoothed_slope;
