Repository Info Node
The Repository Info node can list the repositories that are defined on the Administration riser in SAS Data Management Studio. It can also list the rules and tasks that are in the current repository, which is the repository that contains the data job that contains this node. You can use this node to identify specific rules or tasks that you want to reference in a data job.
The properties dialog for the Repository Info node includes the following elements:
Name - Enter a name that will indicate what this node is doing in the current job, or accept the default name.
Notes - Click to enter optional information about this node.
Listing method - Select one of these options from the drop-down list:
- Repositories - List of repositories that are defined on the Administration riser in SAS Data Management Studio.
- Execution Sources - List of sources that are defined in the current repository. Sources are created in the Business Rule Manager. A source is the name of a table that contains a field that is monitored by a rule. Sources are used for documentation purposes.
- Tasks - List of tasks that are defined in the current repository. Tasks are created in the Business Rule Manager. Each task specifies one or more business rules and one or more events that can be triggered based on the results that are returned by a rule.
- Tasks (filtered by name) - List of tasks in the current repository whose names match a specified value.
- Tasks (filtered by ID) - List of tasks in the current repository whose IDs match a specified value.
- Rules - List of business rules that are defined in the current repository.
- Rules (filtered by name) - List of business rules whose names match a specified value.
- Rules (filtered by ID) - List of business rules whose IDs match a specified value.
- Rules (filtered by task name) - List of business rules that are referenced by a specified task name.
- Rules (filtered by task ID) - List of business rules that are referenced by a specified task ID.
Filter data - Select the type of filter data, field or value.
Additional Outputs - Click to select additional fields that you can send to output or to the next node in your data job.
You can access the following advanced properties by right-clicking the Repository Info node: