Add Record Rule Expression Dialog
The Add Record Rule Expression Dialog enables you to define a record rule expression for a set of surviving records. The Condition section of dialog includes the following elements:
Field - Enables you to select the input field to be used in the condition.
Operation - Enables you to select the operation to use when you audit your data using the audit expression.
Single - When selected, enables you to enter a single value to use in conjunction with the Field and the Operator.
Multiple - When selected, enables you to open the Value List dialog, where you can select a field from the drop-down menu and create a list of values. You can use these values in conjunction with the Field and the Operator.
Field - Enables you to select a field from the drop-down menu to use in conjunction with the Field and the Operator. The following options affect the selected field:
- Case Sensitive - When selected, renders the text comparisons case sensitive when working with text-based fields. Disable the box to use case insensitive comparisons.
- Treat * As Wild Card - When selected, treats the asterisk character (*) as a wildcard when doing comparisons with text-based fields.
Add Condition - Adds the condition to the condition list. Used when all parts of the condition are set
Expression - Contains the conditions in the current expression. The conditions are put together using AND, meaning that a record must satisfy all the conditions in an expression for the expression to evaluate to true for that record.
View code - Displays the expression code for a selected condition.
Edit- Enables you to edit the expression code for a condition in the Edit Expression dialog. The dialog provides access to functions and fields to add to the expression. You can also save the expression and load existing expression into the editor. Note the following issues when you create expressions for these conditions:
- In addition to the standard expression engine function, the following functions are available only in the Surviving Record Identification node: first, longest, shortest, maximum, minimum, hioccur, and lowoccur.
- Inconsistent results can occur when you use one of these functions in a rule in which the function is logically combined (AND, OR) with other filters. When multiple filters are configured as a single expression, all of the functions are applied as a unit. This process can lead to no record being chosen as the result of applying the expression, which will cause the rule to return the very first record by default. Therefore, you should always create a separate expression for each function that you need to apply.
Undo - Removes each item added to the Expression list, one at a time.
Clear - Deletes the entire contents of the Expression list.
Apply this expression to the output of the previous expression - When selected, evaluates only the surviving record candidates from the previous expression by this expression. Disable the box to have all records in the cluster evaluated by this expression.